View Full Version : MySEQ General Discussion

  1. Excellent
  2. LOY problems, continued
  3. Icons
  4. ground spawns
  5. Question about Memory Read detection
  6. Big in latest client
  7. Forum post request for Caveman
  8. Blink, blink
  9. small client feature request
  10. Realtime mob movement
  11. Wow! Easy
  12. MySEQ History File
  13. Documentation
  14. Old Thread
  15. MySEQ Test 3
  16. Plane of Earth A+B maps?
  17. Anyone have a complete filter list of rare spawns?
  18. Web directory for updates?
  19. Better and Better
  20. Any Patch
  21. Does this work on the Test Server?
  22. port #
  23. CVS Question?
  24. Nice work.
  25. MySEQ and LEQM
  26. New eqgame.exe
  27. Crash with client 1.11 and server 1.9a
  28. Win 98 Hows it coming?
  29. Some assistance with offsets...
  30. EQEmu - Just Wondering
  31. New EQGame.exe
  32. New Offsets from Macroquest
  33. The right LoY maps
  34. Crashing...
  35. new to myseq and need help whit a problem.
  36. Another patch..
  37. 5/15 offsets
  38. ahh ohh another noob question i gues
  39. Using a router?
  40. patch on monday...
  41. some questions.
  42. Problem with Alerts
  43. Hateplane..
  44. Crashing
  45. Thanks cavemanbob
  46. New hate map?
  47. Alert File
  48. new eqmain.dll
  49. Help Please...Red Dot
  50. Loy Map
  51. Here's a poll for whoever's watching...
  52. pc configuration question
  53. Offsets 11/06
  54. MySEQ Walkthrough?
  55. what if my client cant see my server machine?
  56. ItemsAddr
  57. MySEQ with 2 EQ games on same machine?
  58. Veksar Map
  59. whens the new mseq release?
  60. sony can't be happy.
  61. Just wanted to say...
  62. no info coming up on screen
  63. Problem with starting Myseq
  64. Chardokb Map
  65. Cant get myseq to work
  66. July 10 offsets
  67. new myseq offsets?
  68. Nother patch went in this morning
  69. About Ground Spawns
  70. Macroquest question
  71. Alert !!!! ????
  72. MySEQ on a PvP server?
  73. Int32 error when I zone?
  74. Placeholder KT in Kael just for SEQ?
  75. ive tried everything..... PLEASE HELP!
  76. Need New Temple Of Droga Map please
  77. New Offsets available ?
  78. Sol C Map
  79. 8/8/03 patch.. need new offsets?
  80. spawn lists.
  81. Some zones remapped
  82. Test Server?
  83. Well, is it ever...
  84. Offsets for last patch
  85. MySEQ Broken or working?
  86. Need help with macroquest offsets
  87. LoDN MAP ?
  88. Working Veksar MAP for mySEQ Client Please
  89. Working Map - The Maw of the Menaferie
  90. Help? Please
  91. Mistmoore Maps
  92. Mobs with Circles around them? what does it mean?
  93. Faction?
  94. Map conversion
  95. PoEarth/Air?
  96. Maps Problems
  97. Exp tracking
  98. rujc map???
  99. Height Filtering
  100. MSEQ Freezing
  101. Alternate EQ client?
  102. Oct 10 Offsets
  103. Offsets for 10/9 patch
  104. LDoN map name bug?
  105. PoE B map?
  106. New classes added?
  107. Myseq crashes since last patch
  108. Is there a list of key mobs?
  109. ldon maps
  110. Updated Classes.txt for ldon
  111. Webplayer with MySEQ
  112. manual on what new thing do?
  113. Thank You For MySEQ
  114. Anyone have offsets for last patch?
  115. few questions
  116. New Self Installers Posted
  117. Alerts
  118. Mob Type Column
  119. 29th november, i dont see anything
  120. SEQ and MYSEQ Differences?
  121. please help me
  122. This is great
  123. 1.15.12 and SPAWN TIMERS question
  124. Aggro Tracking
  125. New Feature request in Myseq
  126. Mob Items?
  127. Multiple Target
  128. Bug?
  129. Hundreds of Characters Deleted in Crackdown
  130. LDoN Maps
  131. PoMischief?
  132. Invisible Man??
  133. offsets :)
  134. I need help...sorry
  135. Need help with Takish map
  136. Any info on....?
  137. happy newyear
  138. New User
  139. Safety?
  140. Can some body Help Me Please
  141. ldon map problems
  142. Info on useage?
  143. LDoN filters
  144. PoE rings part deux :/
  145. Wireless broadband/winxp & .NET framework
  146. Won't be around for a while
  147. poeb map
  148. Deutsches SEQ Forum / German SEQ Forum
  149. MySEQ Website has moved!!!
  150. Anyone else having issues with EqEmu now?
  151. V1 Development Idea's
  152. Banned From MySEQ Website
  153. Radar, I don't see it.
  154. Hello
  155. *blows dust off userid*
  156. Is there anybody out there?
  157. Disgrace to the "new" owners of myseq
  158. Feedback on v1.18.1
  159. Who can I donate (Paypal) to for this?
  160. Eq2
  161. Feedback - 1.19.1 Server/1.19.0 Client
  162. SOE maps?
  163. July 18 patch .. new offsets
  164. Nice App
  165. Map Zoom
  166. 'Commercial MySEQ' vs 'Open MySEQ'
  167. myseq on the same computer as EQ
  168. Nothing shows up
  169. Thanks
  170. Heads up on major changes
  171. Missing SEQ Feature, or something I havent found yet...
  172. I tried
  173. New Races/Classes/Ground Items
  174. Test server offsets?
  175. MySEQ v1.22 Bugs
  176. Emulate the mouse with the keyboard
  177. Playing Back Data
  178. 13/3 08 New Offsets or am I wrong?
  179. New Version Feature Requests
  180. Downloading MySEQ
  181. Donate Website
  182. MySEQ Filters
  183. Offsets and How To Find
  184. New User Dropping By
  185. There are no stupid questions, but
  186. Starting to get worried
  187. MySEQ -> EQMac (Al'Kabor)
  188. Server Connection
  189. Beta?
  190. Latest Test Offsets (April 2010)?
  191. Strange issue on test server
  192. Is it possible to develop an application using .net framework with MySQL as the backe
  193. House of Thule beta
  194. Are they checking for it still?
  195. Shards of Dalaya (Everquest EMU Server)
  196. Cheaters and Exploiters news post
  197. Options - Override level
  198. Fabled Mob Filter, can't get it to work.
  199. email alerts work or?
  200. Sincere thank you for keeping MySEQ going!!
  201. Getting the Source while SF is down
  202. MySeq Underfoot etc offsets
  203. Looking for Live EQ data for Project 1999
  204. Possible to alert primary slot?
  205. 3.10.21 offsets
  206. Get ShowEQ for Windows
  207. Rename spawn timer entry?
  208. Can you use regex in zone alert files?
  209. Options error
  210. Can't save options?
  211. MySEQ 2.5 won't load offsets correctly on new computer while 64 bit 3.0 version will
  212. cannot get show eq to work
  213. Does this work for P99
  214. ShowEQ for TAKP Quarm Server
  215. Newest SEQ Not coming with server?
  216. Resolving MySEQ Error
  217. Banning