View Full Version : MySEQ Development Discussion

  1. Translating by clicking (Hand mode)
  2. automatic offset finder
  3. FIX: 1.5 version
  4. Oops... you're walking over your memory
  5. Makefile for client
  6. Few down-the-line suggestions
  7. Spawn Selector Optionbox
  8. List ComboBox Filter
  9. Stable / Beta
  10. Networked Drive
  11. Alert list
  12. Alert Mob
  13. LoY zones?
  14. More suggestions
  15. Select on Consider
  16. Can not select non-default port for server
  17. Distance
  18. mobs corpses
  19. Request: Highlighted Mobs?
  20. Yet another suggestion
  21. Wishlist / Buglist
  22. Base size of velocity vectors
  23. Locked Map and Monster-z-filter
  24. Question/suggestion/request
  25. Problem with ground spawns
  26. bug - client app croaks when switching computers
  27. Visual Studio 6
  28. How hard do you think it would be....
  29. MySEQ and Delphi ?
  30. Nice Program
  31. Possible changes on the way
  32. Z depth addition
  33. hide / highlight mobs addition
  34. bothunder.map and Z Depth filter
  35. Something Missing
  36. LoY maps
  37. Ideas to look at
  38. What exactly do the packets capture?
  39. New Updates
  40. Hiding invis mobs
  41. Hiding Invis mobs/ Hard to read list/ "Magic" download for cvs version
  42. bug after manually loading a map
  43. Can HP be viewable?
  44. VB developpement
  45. ShowEQ for other language
  46. speech
  47. Veksar Map
  48. Fix for Con colors level 65
  49. Edited Version of MySEQ
  50. Place to provide modifications..
  51. Edited version of netonins version
  52. CVS and Warnings
  53. Whoever posted the last modified version PM me ASAP
  54. Cvs
  55. What I would like to see..
  56. Application / Feature Request
  57. SOE Maps
  58. REQ: Paging feature
  59. Patch 26 august
  60. 9/9 Offsets
  61. Code for autoloading _1.txt files
  62. Update needed?
  63. Making Offsets??
  64. Getting started in the development...
  65. New Modified Version
  66. MySeq Client 1.14.0
  67. Ground Spawn Identification
  68. MySEQ 1.15.1 on it's way
  69. MySEQ 1.15.3
  70. Good work and thank you
  71. MySEQ 1.15.4
  72. MySEQ Server 1.10
  73. 11/5 Offsets
  74. You can tell it's a patch day!
  75. TeamSpeak Server For Help/Development
  76. FTP and HTTP MySEQ Downloads
  77. Missing Cfg directory files
  78. Help build the FTP data Base
  79. Time to start on a SysTray Server
  80. (New Maps/Client 11/7/03) Added to MYSEQ FTP
  81. MySEQ Server 2.0 Sneak Preview
  82. Need Help Converting from C++ to C#
  83. No list updates?
  84. 1.15.4 con color, bug?
  85. Client 1.15.4 Server 1.9b Working Offsets
  86. MySEQ 1.15.5
  87. 1.15.7 Available
  88. Feature Request
  89. Operating System Poll
  90. Client 1.15.8
  91. MySEQ 1.15.8
  92. New Classes.Txt
  93. Bored at Work
  94. MySEQ 1.15.9
  95. New Self-Installer Packages Posted
  96. MySEQ 1.15.10
  97. MySEQ 1.15.11
  98. 11/25/2003 Offsets
  99. SourceForge Speed
  100. MySEQ Server 1.11
  101. MySEQTester
  102. 1.15.11 Player shape and con color
  103. 1.15.11 player box and mob circle size
  104. New Downloads Page for Self Installers
  105. MySEQ 1.15.12
  106. Post 300
  107. New Con Color Chart
  108. Dec 16 Patch for EQ
  109. New Features Added
  110. Patch Day?
  111. MacroQuest Users
  112. Open source???
  113. MySEQ 1.15.13
  114. Feature Requests
  115. function?
  116. possibly 1+ zones buggy
  117. MYSEQ 2.0 Question
  118. MySEQ - Is it open source? Should a precompiled version continue to be released?
  119. Mandatory Question
  120. MySEQ 1.15.14
  121. Finding out the new offsets?
  122. Halp please
  123. Self Installers for 1.15.14 Posted
  124. 12/18/2003 Offsets
  125. 12/19/2003 offsets
  126. MySeq
  127. Offsets for test
  128. MySEQ Status
  129. DEVS: Locating offsets - part 2
  130. Servers going down in 1 hour ;)
  131. 12/23/2003 Offsets
  132. MySEQ Official Offset List
  133. Compiling the Server
  134. Love it, but......
  135. Very Simple and Very Useful suggestion/request
  136. MySEQ 1.15.15
  137. Filter Colors
  138. MySEQ 1.15.16
  139. MySEQ v.1.15.16 Self-Installers and 1.11Server
  140. MySEQ 1.15.17
  141. Random thoughts...
  142. MySEQ Community Support
  143. 1.15.17 Bug?
  144. Map Error In lDoN Zones
  145. Cant open =/
  146. Source Code for MSEQ
  147. unamed and unmarked mobs with 1.15.17
  148. Feature Request
  149. Locating Offsets on the Test Server
  150. MySEQ Client 2.0.0 is being started
  151. Upgrading version help - for the dumb
  152. MySEQ v.1.15.17 Self-Installer Posted
  153. any1 got new offsets 01.23.2004 ?
  154. offsets for GoD
  155. MySEQ Client/Server 2.0.0 Beta is Out!!!
  156. ColorConverter - For MQSeq
  157. ColorConverter - For MQSeq
  158. MySEQ 2.0.1
  159. Public THANK YOU for MySEQ
  160. Patch Day
  161. MySEQ 2.0.2
  162. Offsets for Gates?
  163. maps for god
  164. Fixes to make compile.bat work in 1.16.1
  165. 42! patches to 1.16.1
  166. Official TODO List
  167. patches to 1.16.2
  168. Added Radar to CVS
  169. Retarded Hotkey...
  170. Cvs
  171. My MySEQ Server
  172. Hunger/Thirst Gauges
  173. 13 October Offsets
  174. 42! Changes to 1.17.0 in CVS
  175. Hello
  176. MySEQ current source
  177. MSVExpress
  178. Broken depth filter
  179. The other MySEQ forums
  180. DEVS: Official ToDo List
  181. DEVS: Building from source
  182. DEVS: Locating offsets - part 1
  183. Auras and Zone Spawns
  184. DEVS: Locating critical offsets easily
  185. Learning What I Can...
  186. Test Patch, Level Offset Change perhaps?
  187. New Client
  188. MySEQ Developer seeks help from SEQ developer
  189. Beta Changes
  190. Offsets for Feb 14/07
  191. Has anyone identified offsets since 2/21/07?
  192. To all Beta Testers - Beta 1.19.2 is over.
  193. building from source..?
  194. Two questions
  195. Map labels
  196. Con Colors for new expansion
  197. Building beta_1-20
  198. Client 1.22 issues (sorry)
  199. Pet vs Named errors
  200. New Offsets
  201. *Test Server* Offsets - 2/10/2008
  202. Farewell
  203. Locating Offsets for MySEQ Server Version 1.20
  204. Possible to update the Con Colors
  205. Updated GroundItems List
  206. MySeq Server running as a windows service
  207. MySEQ Open 1.19.3 Release
  208. MySEQ 1.22 Client Development
  209. MySEQ Open 1.19.4
  210. MySEQ 1.19 Client Development
  211. MySeq offset finder based on Carpathian's version
  212. MySEQ Development
  213. Some ideas improving the applications to consider
  214. Bug in Myseq open 1.27 - Sort filter broken
  215. 2 little bugs to squish
  216. F6 bug in client
  217. unit tests and svn
  218. @Razzle: Filter for Ground spawns/Items in spawn list ?
  219. Needed or desired changes
  220. RoF Beta
  221. Request
  222. MySEQ Development Help
  223. Titanium Server Source
  224. Question about development for MySEQ
  225. New Races.txt for new expansion
  226. Finding Secondary Offsets
  227. Unknown user or wrong password using CVS
  228. CORRECTED: Updated Races.txt file for new expansion 12-11-2018
  229. Current interest in myseq?
  230. alert sound issue
  231. MySEQ being worked on?
  232. Updated Races.txt file for new expansion 12-8-2020
  233. New Repository with minor enhancements.
  234. Updated items file.
  235. Updated Races.txt file for new 2021 expansion
  236. MySEQ64
  237. Automated Offset Finder?
  238. New MySEQ DL question
  239. [Bug] 3.0.0 client, multi-server support issue
  240. Updated Races.txt file for 2023 expansion
  241. Trying to fix the showeq server windows memory leak