View Full Version : SEQ remembering desktops? and switches...

05-10-2002, 03:28 PM
My boyfriend and I each have two computers on our desk, an athlon 1900+ running win2k and a 1ghz intel box running RH7.2. His desk is one of those multi-tiered ones that easilly allow for more than one monitor, but mine is not, so I have a small LCD display for the linux box with a max resolution of 1024x768 (I use WindowMaker -- none of this KDE/GNOME shit)

Of course, this resolution makes it hard to use SEQ. What I end up doing is running a bunch of Eterms on workspace 1 (for email, background compiles, etc), SEQ's main window on workspace 2 (sans the map), SEQ's undocked map 2 on workspace 3 (maximized), SEQ's experience window on workspace 4 (maximized), and opera on workspace 5. Often I find myself closing SEQ and restarting it to view my boyfriend's map instead of mine (for those boring times when he's actually doing something -- it's almost like TV!) However, when I do this all the windows appear on workspace 2 and I have to manually move them to their propper locations.

Is there any way to get SEQ's floating windows to remember which workspace they should appear in?

TIA. Oh, and one other question. I just recently started playing EQ again, and since I last left off I upgraded my home network (about 9 machines) to a switched environment (with crap Netgear switches that don't let you broadcast packets to a sniffing port). Right now I ended up putting all four boxen (two win2k's and two RH7.2's) on a 10mbps hub which then xover's to the main switch. This is unacceptable as these systems probably transfer in the neighborhood of 20GB data per day to each other. So I have two options:

1) Upgrade the 10mbps hub to a 100mbps hub and leave everything else the same, or...

2) Purchase two new ethernet cards, place one in each of the RH7.2 boxen, create two new private subnets (there's already two on this network) and configure the RH7.2 boxen as routers (heh, real hard there =p). Then I could simply route the win2k boxen through their respective linux box running SEQ with xover cables. Then I could eliminate the hub altogether and go back to only using switches.

Which solution would work best, from y'alls experience? =)

Thanks again...

05-10-2002, 03:48 PM
Upgrading to a 100Mbit is going to be the easiest (obviously :) ).. the Netgear 100Mbit hubs work quite well...

Using the Linux box as a router/gateway is an excellent solution if you need the advantages of firewalling, NAT, etc... If you really have enough need for a switched environment (with 9 machines, I really doubt a switch is more than a few % faster than a hub) then this is also the best solution since it lets you stay in a switched environment...

I personally just use a 100Mbit hub.. I screw around on my linux box too much to reasonable expect it to have the uptime I would like in a gateway... (My wife gets pissed when she cant read her email because I'm changing distros :) )...


05-10-2002, 03:55 PM
I think I'll go with a 100mbps hub [EDITED - was switch. I'm tired and wanna go home from work =p, stupid typo]. Just for prosperity, here's my current network:

1.1Mbit SDSL Bridge
Sonicwall (Firewall/NAT)
| routing network
Geomorph (2.4.19 linux router running HTB traffic shaping software)
| main network (NATed from sonicwall
10mbps Switch
| [Various linux servers]
10mbps Hub
[Four boxen specified above]

05-10-2002, 04:02 PM
I'm assuming that should read 100Mbit switch? Just replace the 10Mbit hub at the bottom w/a 100Mbit Hub, and you should be golden...


05-10-2002, 04:08 PM
I dunno. I've always assumed it was 10Mbit. It was pretty cheap, <$100. Just a simple netgear 8port switch...

05-10-2002, 04:44 PM
Heh.. you are better off getting a 100Mbit hub there too if you want speed... a 100Mbit hub will be much faster than a 10Mbit switch...


05-10-2002, 04:47 PM
Don't go to Fry's when stoned. Don't buy hardware when stoned. And don't let your boyfriend convince you that you need something you don't =)