View Full Version : Feature request on Cautions/Danger

05-24-2002, 05:20 AM
First....THANK YOU for all the great work.

In some zones the Caution/Danger mobs cause too much screen clutter with the lines being drawn to them. Would be great to have just the cirlces but no line drawing when you get near them.

Thanks again!!

05-24-2002, 09:49 AM
Make it a toggle?

In DL, if Gore gets to close I want that red line telling me which way NOT to go.

Running through the Grey it gets really ugly and laggy with the traps.

Mr. Suspicious
05-24-2002, 10:13 AM
You can manually change the way to display the various filters:


05-24-2002, 02:25 PM
Is there any reason to not make the symbols selectable from a list?

I saw the code samples from Mr S. and thought: "why not just create 5 different shapes (circle, square, diamond, cross, and triangle) then have color choices to pick from, and sizes to choose from?

Then you just right click on the map to get to a "draw" menu to set the default which is overridden by the filters:

(Draw Type) player corpse, Mob corpse, player, mob, item

Draw: "Type">Shape
>Size (0-6)

Then you can do the same thing with the filters and give them the highest priority to override the defaults.

(Filter) Alert, Hunt, etc.

Filter: "Type">Shape
>Size (0-6)
>Line draw (t/f)
>Highlight (off, yellow, white, red)

Is this do-able? Practical?

Mr. Suspicious
05-24-2002, 08:40 PM
Doable? Don't think there should be a problem, don't know enough from C yet tho to know _if_ it's possible to add dynamyc icons to the code. But some form of static icons that could be applied to filters based on a preference menu should be possible I'd say with limited knowledge (define all possible combinations in the code)

Practical? To make it possible? dunno =) For use: Hell yeah! =) If not only as a sort of "legend" (I still haven't been able to figuere out why some spawns have a red box around them =P )

In the last cvs some structure changed. At least I think so, since the changes I make to my map.cpp are no longer incorporated, or, ofcourse, I made an error again somewhere *sighs* Not very unlikely =).

I seem to have fogotten "when" in the process to make the change to the map.cpp file. I thought I made it in the past before I did

[]# make -f Makefile.dist

and after getting the latest cvs. But, seems not be working anymore. Will have to dive into the code again to see what changes there have been made to files in the last cvs.

As far as I can see, mapcore.cpp takes care of drawing the map and it's elements; lines, grid, gridnumbers, size and map.cpp does the spawns, but then again, there's a lot of menu stuff in map.cpp aswell, so it's a tad confusing to me. drawmap.cpp seems not be in use from the brief view I gave it, altho there is a ref. to it in Makefile in the source-dir

drawmap_cgi_SOURCES = drawmap.cpp util.cpp cgiconv.cpp

I'll need to dive deeper in C and will report back here when I have more sane things to say, probably around Christmas 2003, since ShowEQ compiles in a grande total of 5 hours on my box =P Very annoying when you made one typo, compile, 5 hours later find there's something wrong, rinse repeat till the daylight comes.

05-25-2002, 04:36 AM
Originally posted by Mr. Suspicious
...(I still haven't been able to figuere out why some spawns have a red box around them =P )

... since ShowEQ compiles in a grande total of 5 hours on my box

The red box is because you considered the spawn, you can turn that off if you like.

5 hours!? Ouch!

07-09-2002, 11:19 AM
This is a belated TAHNK YOU to Mr. S for the beginning of what I think is a great feature.

I'm drooling waiting to see it in action.
