View Full Version : It could be worse... ... ...Much worse...

07-26-2002, 01:33 PM

I'm SO GLAD I don't make my living doing tech support anymore...

07-26-2002, 02:13 PM
egads.... Looks like some of the cluelessness that is slowly creeping into the help forum here.

I'm amazed that EQ kept working with those system specs and find it hilarious that they didn't think to just turn off the one thing that had changed that broke it before nearly destroying the system (which would have resulted in more headaches for them trying to reinstall windows).

07-26-2002, 02:17 PM
I'm pretty amazed it ran on 96MB or RAM also.. the textures alone have to be more than 100MB.. she must have swapped like hell anytime just about anything moved...


07-27-2002, 01:20 AM
Dear god my SEQ box is at least a 500 with 128 ram. I laughed at the idea of trying to get EQ to run on it.

07-29-2002, 02:30 AM
Hm, depends what you expect.
Running my 3rd Account on a k6-2 350 with 128MB and tnt2.
Ok, had to turn off all graphical enchantments, but it even run on luclin at 1024 x 768