View Full Version : Need help, and willing to pay

09-05-2002, 12:12 AM
Hey everyone. This is a little off topic regarding ShowEQ, but I am willing to pay (35$ through Paypal/money order/personal check/western union) for someone to help since I know most of you are really smart and good with cpu's. I dont want any of you to waste your time on me, but if someone recognizes what my problem is easily, or who really knows what the problem is to the point where I can either call you or have you write me a detalied explination since I am pretty much just average when it comes to messing around with settings, that would be great and I am willing to hand you over 35$ almost any way you can take it. I know its not much, but its the least I can do for you, and hopefully me. I just moved to a new apartment, and switched from DSL, to cable internet. Now just from downloading shit off the internet, I notice i am downloading much faster than i did back at old home with Bellsouth DSL. So i am just taking a wild guess and guessing that this connection is faster than dsl (was around 120kb sec off nvidia driver section with dsl, and about 200kb sec with this cable modem. Same stats go for microsoft driver downloads). Now my problem is, I attend a raid and as soon as everyone hits auto attack, or casting spells, i get insane amounts of lag. The odd thing, is that my green bar never reaches past 700 at the most in any area/zone including bazaar when there are 250 people in it. But if a group of even 6 people start attacking, or spellcasting, i get insane lag jumps to about 2000. And when I am doing AoW, Ssra rares, emp, and any other raid that requires more than 30 people, i get spikes that stay until the fight is over at about 4500-5000. Once at that high of a lag/number for so long, I go ld of course. Now I reformatted HD, and reinstalled everything before writing just to make sure nothing could have been wrong. I am running an amd 1.333, 512ddr, geforce2, 80gig 7200, and a cable modem. I also asked some guild members what to do and they didnt know much other than to change Datarate in the EQ directory to 9.0 and save it. Which I did and it didnt do much at all. I really dont even see a difference. It just blows when I cant raid with my guild and I have been dealing with this for 2 weeks ever since I moved in. My email addy is [email protected] (check this email most since only have aol at work). ANY help would be insanely appreciated. I am just about desperate now.

Thanks in advance

09-05-2002, 12:52 AM
this really isnt a network issue, its probably a computer issue. I regularly get 4k-7k on my meter without seeing any lag at all. That number is just the network throughput, you are most likely dropping because your CPU/Video card cant handle all the updates. I would suggest turning off particles, lowering models and textures, and make sure that serverfilter is on.


09-05-2002, 06:00 AM
Heya again. I did all that you said there other than server filter. Here it goes, but what do you mean by server filter, and what do I have to do to change it? And before I moved up here (moved up here less than 2 weeks ago), with dsl, I would never get any lag spikes over 1000. So is it possible that just moving form one area of Florida to another that I have to upgrade my video card and memory? Thanks!

09-05-2002, 06:43 AM
you didnt mention what your video card was, you just mentioned downloading nvidia drivers.

to best use serverfilter goto optiions and turn off everything except stuff done by you player.

09-05-2002, 06:49 AM
Ok turned server filter off and there is defintly an imporvement. Havent had a chance to raid yet, so I will post a reply as sonn as I attend a nice size raid. By the way, I am using a GeForce 2 mx 100/200, or something like that. Thanks again

09-05-2002, 06:51 AM
I am running an amd 1.333, 512ddr, geforce2, 80gig 7200, and a cable modem.

IMHO, that vid card is your problem. My main box has a Geforce4 Ti4400 and I still have to turn down clip plane in Bazaar and other high population Luclin zones. My secondary machine has an original Radeon and I try not to even go to those zones unless I have to...and the Radeon > Geforce2.

Instead of spending 35 bucks for someone to help you, I would scrape together a bit more and get a new vid card. For $135 plus a few bucks shipping, you can get a Geforce4 Ti4200. No upgrade I have done to any of my machines has made a bigger impact in EQ than my GF4.

My favorite place to buy stuff. (www.newegg.com)


09-05-2002, 07:12 AM
Would have to agree with Dedpoet. I have a Geforce3 Ti500 and I always run with spelleffects off and serverfilter on.

Bazaar sucks and raid situations suck when I have spelleffects on.

09-05-2002, 07:46 AM
Dual boxing here, one with a Gforce 2 Ti 64 mb agp 4x tv-out, and the other with a Gforce3 64mb ~ both have the updated drivers. I am using them with spell effects off, server filter on. One change I did make in the .ini file was to use 3d compression - slowed down loading by maybe 3 seconds - but has a very stable frame rate.
We all experience some degree of latency, and there are some areas that are just plain crappy to be in, no matter what setup is being used. I agree with the reply that suspected your pc may be suspect, rather than a network issue. May sound a little redundant, but make sure you have the latest direct x release, and that the NVidia drivers you downloaded are loaded and working.
If your card is an AGP card (most better ones are), do you need to adjust your BIOS AGP settings? Sounds simple - but a little thing like that can drive me nuts. Hope this may help you out - good luck.