View Full Version : Inventory patch - need a little help in coding

11-10-2002, 05:40 AM
Hi all,

i have made some changes to the inventory-dump function. It worked fine until the decryption was broken ... The info is still there without decryption, but i need the name of the player in the

module interface.cpp in function EQInterface::playerItem

for naming the outputfile. I am stuck here - i know i can figure that out myself but a little hint would make that a much faster.

void EQInterface::playerItem(const playerItemStruct* itemp)
QString tempStr;
QString tempStrShort;
QString slotName = slot_to_name(itemp->item.equipSlot);
QString SpellName = spell_name(itemp->item.spellId);
QString SizeName = size_name(itemp->item.size);
QString PossibleSlots = print_slot(itemp->item.equipableSlots);
QString PossibleRaces = print_races(itemp->item.races);
QString PossibleClasses = print_classes(itemp->item.classes);
QString NeededSkill = print_skill(itemp->item.skill);
QString FormatedCost = reformatMoney(itemp->item.cost);
QString loreName, loreTmp, messag;
bool lore=false;

if (!showeq_params->no_bank)
tempStr = QString("Item: ") + itemp->item.lore
+ "(" + QString::number(itemp->item.itemNr)
+ "), Slot: " + slotName
+ ", Value: " + reformatMoney(itemp->item.cost);

emit msgReceived(tempStr);

tempStr = QString ("Deleting ") + showeq_params->BankBaseDir + QString("/")
+ showeq_params->BankBaseFileName + QString(".") + player->name + QString(".txt");
emit msgReceived(tempStr);

if ( QFile::exists(showeq_params->BankBaseDir + QString("/") + showeq_params->BankBaseFileName + QString(".") + player->name + QString(".txt")))
QFile::remove(showeq_params->BankBaseDir + QString("/") + showeq_params->BankBaseFileName + QString(".") + player->name + QString(".txt"));

Perhaps i have to give the player-struct as an argument of the function call ...

Thanks for help :)