View Full Version : cvs update through a firewall.

11-25-2002, 01:11 PM
I used to be able to check out the code at work, but am now getting:
cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.seq.sourceforge.net:2401 failed: Connection timed out

They may have recently changed the firewall and I am assuming this is the problem.. Since I am not able to change the firewall, is there an alternate way of downloading the latest code?

If this is not a firewall issue, can someone email me a clue?

Love SEQ and thanks Ratt!!

11-25-2002, 01:29 PM
I have the same problem at work, since cvs doesn't support an html proxy with a username and password.

You could try Wincvs (their site seems to be down, but I found a link here (http://www.flightgear.org/cvsResources/WinCVS.html)). It may support a proxy if that's what you need. Then just transfer the download over via FTP, Samba, burned CD, etc.

You could also have a friend grab it and tar and gz it for you. Or you could beg Ratt to update the tarball in the CVS and get it from this web site. Can you download it from home, or do you normally play EQ at work?

11-25-2002, 04:13 PM
I never get caught playing EQ at work. Err, I mean, I don't play at work.

I will try from home and would also as Rat, pretty please with suger on it, to update the tar ball. I was able to get that properly, but it was now the current build.
