View Full Version : Problem w/ SEQ

01-12-2003, 09:26 PM
Everything compiled and everything correctly except my qt 3.0.5 wouldn't gmake install but I heard it would work w/o doing that. So I compiled SEQ and I open it. I log on EQ and the map shows up yada yada, but then it seems to zoom way way way out and u can barely see the zone in like the corner of the screen. Then it lists bunch of unkowns and doors. Any ideas?

01-12-2003, 09:45 PM
Yep, sounds like SEQ is working like it should at that state of your install.

01-12-2003, 11:48 PM
sound like its not getting the info from the keysniffer.. make sure the sniffers working and that its set to the same port on both systems ( computers )

01-13-2003, 02:58 AM
Originally posted by Nadven
Everything compiled and everything correctly except my qt 3.0.5 wouldn't gmake install but I heard it would work w/o doing that. So I compiled SEQ and I open it. I log on EQ and the map shows up yada yada, but then it seems to zoom way way way out and u can barely see the zone in like the corner of the screen. Then it lists bunch of unkowns and doors. Any ideas?

I had similar results with 3.0.5 but got it working by following the update instructions in install.newbies section 3.2 ... I think the missing step is to make distclean and then updating from cvs . Be sure to copy your maps and filters to save any customizing you have done.