View Full Version : Not recognizing new QT installation during Build

01-16-2003, 10:06 PM
I recently upgraded my qt from 3.0.3 to 3.0.5; however, when compiling the source, it fails to recognize this...

As you can see from an rpm command, I have qt-3.0.5-7.14 installed:

root:/home/root/showeq> rpm -q qt

However, it doesn't seem to recognize this during build:

checking for Qt... yes
>> Found version.: 2.3.2
>>> Headers......: /usr/local/qt/include/
>>>> Libraries...: /usr/local/qt/lib/
>>>>> NOTE.......: ShowEQ is designed for Qt 3.0.5+, please upgrade
>>>>>> Workable..: -*{ ??? }*-

01-16-2003, 10:12 PM
Hehe..ok, so I realized that somewhere along the way I had created a symbolic link to my qt directory in /usr/local that I had forgotten to update! So....I thought I had it fixed...when I got this message:

checking for Qt... yes
>> Found version.: 3.0.5
>>> Headers......: /usr/local/qt/include/
>>>> Libraries...: /usr/local/qt/lib/
configure: error: Something wicked happened while trying to validate your Qt installation!!! Please verify your libraries...

So, I'm able to configure using --without-qt-validation (havn't tested yet as it is compiling now), but I'd like to know how to fix this if it's possible....

01-17-2003, 12:45 AM
# QTDIR=/path/to/qt ./configure