View Full Version : show eq not seeing any EQ

01-18-2003, 12:47 AM
ok call me a noob but I can't figure this out, I installed seq and qt3.0.5 under red hat 8 and everything went ok. I can run seq and it starts up, But it doen't like connect to my other computer and like tell me stuff about it, its just blank. My other computer that I run eq on has a sharded interent and I connect my linux box thorugh a crossover, and it works fine on the internet, I also set when starting up seq to my servers IP, nothing happens, WHY!

01-18-2003, 01:02 AM
get a crayon and draw a picture of your network diagram. it should look similar to the following, but in crayon. write on the monitor if you need to.

[your seq computer] <---> [your eq computer] <---> [the internet]

now, with a different coloured crayon, draw a line from your computer to the internet... does that line touch the seq computer? no.

windows is not stupid. if the way to the internet is to the right, why would it send it to the left (in real terms, why would it send the packets out the network card that is NOT hooked up to the internet).

you have a couple options, and they are all found in the faq or other posts. read them.

01-18-2003, 01:05 AM
my server computer can go on the internet, and my linux box computer can view the internet just as well with my internet sharded, I read the Faq, and it still doesn't work, and I tired your crayon method.

01-18-2003, 01:17 AM


01-18-2003, 01:44 AM

01-18-2003, 01:49 AM
ok what part don't you understand? I have 2 computers, The computer I play eq on has my modem on it also, I just shared my internet so my linux box that is on the other end of my crossover cable could go on the internet. but seq like won't show me jack, why?

01-18-2003, 02:07 AM
Don't you know, it's been permanently broken. Yep, doesn't work, won't ever work again. The devs packed their bags and went off to find better things to do.

Ignore what everyone else says, it won't ever work again.

01-18-2003, 02:18 AM
How come showeq wont show me whats in crushbone when i'm raiding in gfay? why? :(

01-18-2003, 08:50 AM
it not internet access that makes seq work, its seeing the eq packets. if the windows box doesn't put any of those packets where the seq computer can see it, it won't work. please see the faq about the recomended network setup.

01-18-2003, 08:57 AM
Yep. Cryonic has it right. SEQ is broken. Sony wins. We are just hanging out here because we like to chat. Getting ready to strike the tents and break camp. There is nothing for you to see here. Move along.

01-18-2003, 10:19 AM
kmaszk, the reason you aren't getting an answer you like or want is because from your initial question and the replies since, it's clear that you don't have a basic understanding of networking.

Everyone needs to learn sometime, no doubt, but this is not the place to learn about basic network concepts.

The nearly Windows like wizard based installation of most flavors of Linux combined with the step by step SEQ installation instructions provided here now allow for someone who is way over their head to get as far as you have.

Also understand that the underlying attitude of the SEQ community is that of old school computer people. That is to say that you'll get all the help you need but only after you've looked through and gone over and double checked the information that is already out there. Fail to do that and you get...well...this thread.

Every last tidbit of what you need to know is out there. That includes plenty of threads about networking as it applies to SEQ and the internet. If the problem is a lack of knowledge in networking concepts then search the internet. Learn the how a simple network works and how Microsoft's ICS works and you'll understand the reason your SEQ isn't working, the jabs you've got on this forum and best of all...you'll have knowledge that will serve you the rest of your life.

01-18-2003, 11:51 PM

to get it to work you need to make the EQ packets pass the linux box before they hit your EQ machine, so the solution is to put the modem on your linux box and let that stand as a router..that way the EQ packets will go through linux box first and then onto your EQ machine

or you could do as i have

Computer w/ shared connection
HUB____ SEQ box
EQ box

but you would need another computer then and a hub

01-19-2003, 06:57 AM
instead of your windows box connecting to the internet.. make your linux box.. and share your internet connection.
this will fix your issue.. cause the packets for your windows box will be passed by the linux box and it should work.