View Full Version : OT :: Screen blank issues

01-16-2002, 01:46 PM
Quick question, I have tried looking through Gnome manuals and linux manuals but I haven't been able to spot anything on this.

In Gnome my screen blanks out after about 10 minutes, just as if I was at the command prompt. This isn't a screen saver or power saving through Gnome, but somethng else, as those features are turned off.

As a side note this doesn't happen with KDE as the desktop. But since I ripped out qt libs and rebuilt them, I haven't rebuilt KDE...

Any hints help would be great full, thanks..

01-16-2002, 02:57 PM
its DPMS. reconfigure X, or maybe in gnome, there is a section to define the timers for DPMS, when the montior will go into suspend mode, etc.

01-16-2002, 04:39 PM
As was stated energy save options are turned off. I do believe that this relates in some manor to how console will blank after a time, might be related and then again it might not be. But since no screen saver and no power options are enabled, then I would suspect this to be the case... /shrug