View Full Version : CVS staus question

06-24-2003, 12:05 PM
When will the CVS version be green?

I see that the SEQ status is green and has been for a couple of weeks, but if you get the latest CVS and follow all the required steps, SEQ is still not working directly from CVS.

Is the reason CVS isn't current because the current fixes are considered hacks or Band-Aids and is not something that we want to introduce into the main source?

If I am completely out of the water here, don't hesitate to let me know.


06-24-2003, 02:20 PM
You got it all right.

CVS is not working of the shelf, although a hack is available on the forum.

However a hack is not a patch and so I think we should put status to yellow *g*

06-25-2003, 11:47 AM
That is what the Status box says. If you have been following along it has been broken since 6/12.

Here is a link to another thread....


A few posts down in the link above Ratt says this "patch" is more of a hack and he does not want it in CVS. That is why it is not working fresh out of CVS.

Download quickpatch.diff and read how to install an recompile it. After that SEQ should be working till the next patch...which looks like its going to be soon.

06-25-2003, 02:37 PM

The status of yellow was changed AFTER my post and maybe as a result of my post.

I guess my question was a consolatation of other posts and was a question when I might expect the CVS version to become green... Had you decided to actually read my post and not try to make some points directing me to other posts, you would have seen that. I figured if a hack was available, then to make a polished patch would be an easy task, but since I am no programmer, I might be talking out my ass.


06-26-2003, 12:26 PM
OK so I did RE-read your post. I guess I was just adding more to 'suseuser's' post and directing you to the link as to why the CVS version may not be green for a while. Just extra info on top to help you a bit more. :)

As for me I am just a newbie programmer and don't know if it would be easy to fix a hack to make it a workable/Proper patch.