View Full Version : 9-10-2003 -- Shared Platinum Slot, compile warning

09-10-2003, 11:57 AM
9-10-2003 -- Shared Platinum Slot, compile warning


This small patch adds a modification to the charprofilestruct to add
the shared platinum slot and displays it along with playermoney,
bankmoney upon recieving the packet (as bankmoney/playermoney
already did)

It also fixes (yet another) annoying little compile time warning :)
^^^^^ Those things REALLY get on my nerves for some reason :P

(patch against 4.3.12 as the filename suggests)
(it was generated using: diff -ur showeq-4.3.12
showeq-4.3.12+belith since the cvs is still at 4.3.10 :P)


Check the patches page if ya care eneough about it to patch yourself, or if your too lazy to, click here (http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=10131&atid=310131&file_id=61170&aid=803848).


ps-As I've recently (yes recently) figured out how to actually find information in these damn packets, etc, I'm pretty sure you'll see more from me as I enlighten myself investigating <new packet X> ;)