View Full Version : No "skittles"??

09-24-2003, 11:01 AM
Hi all

Got the last 4.3.12 full download tarball

renamed my old dir unpacked configure etc..

so far I get map and my loaction but not skittles (npc / pcs)

dunno fi Ive done something wrong this time around but seems it shoudl have worked..

get a few pc's way outside of map and a wrong map size each time I zone

any hints please? :)

09-24-2003, 11:22 AM
Hint 1: Ask this in the help forum
Hint 2: Make sure you are running the version you downloaded. You did download, configure, compile, and install it, right?
Hint 3: Consider using a spell checker

09-24-2003, 11:23 AM
gah spelling errors are charming ;)

yes I did download compile make make install...

not that much of a linux n00b luckily..

I did try to see if the src opcodes etc looked right and cant see anything wrong with it..