10-04-2003, 08:35 AM
Hello, I am JUST beginning C++ programming. I am fluent in VB, HTML, Java, php, Access, sql and a few other odds and ends. I have loaded Borland C++ builder 6 and would like to start learning.
I like to learn programming from existing code such as this project, something I have an interest in using. I have always shared my findings and code snipets with others and I will be more than happy to share what I develop for this project with others BUT I'm off to a slow start.... One of the main edits that I would like to work on would be to save alot of the info that this program gathers into a database so the data can be analyzed at a later time.
The first thing I wanted to do was compile the existing code and run it to make sure I had that down.... I opened the .cpp code from the server application. I compile and have errors:
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__InitVCL' referenced from D:\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MTI.LIB|crtlvcl
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__ExitVCL' referenced from D:\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MTI.LIB|crtlvcl
I then opened a new console application and copied the code from the .cpp into it. Those errors are now gone and the reason is the #include <vcl.h> statement that came from opening a new application.
Now the problem is:
[C++ Error] aclapi.h(125): E2015 Ambiguity between 'PACCESS_MASK' and 'Windows::PACCESS_MASK'
I kinda stopped at this point realizing I should look more into the C++ projects, compilers and includes before going into editing the myseq application. If anyone can kinda help me get past these initial humps, I would sure appreciate it. I have always been one to just jump right into things and would much rather start coding in the application than re-invent the wheel when it comes to the basics.
Thanks in advance, hope to be contributing improvements to the application soon!
Hello, I am JUST beginning C++ programming. I am fluent in VB, HTML, Java, php, Access, sql and a few other odds and ends. I have loaded Borland C++ builder 6 and would like to start learning.
I like to learn programming from existing code such as this project, something I have an interest in using. I have always shared my findings and code snipets with others and I will be more than happy to share what I develop for this project with others BUT I'm off to a slow start.... One of the main edits that I would like to work on would be to save alot of the info that this program gathers into a database so the data can be analyzed at a later time.
The first thing I wanted to do was compile the existing code and run it to make sure I had that down.... I opened the .cpp code from the server application. I compile and have errors:
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__InitVCL' referenced from D:\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MTI.LIB|crtlvcl
[Linker Error] Unresolved external '__ExitVCL' referenced from D:\CBUILDER6\LIB\CP32MTI.LIB|crtlvcl
I then opened a new console application and copied the code from the .cpp into it. Those errors are now gone and the reason is the #include <vcl.h> statement that came from opening a new application.
Now the problem is:
[C++ Error] aclapi.h(125): E2015 Ambiguity between 'PACCESS_MASK' and 'Windows::PACCESS_MASK'
I kinda stopped at this point realizing I should look more into the C++ projects, compilers and includes before going into editing the myseq application. If anyone can kinda help me get past these initial humps, I would sure appreciate it. I have always been one to just jump right into things and would much rather start coding in the application than re-invent the wheel when it comes to the basics.
Thanks in advance, hope to be contributing improvements to the application soon!