View Full Version : session magement error...

11-11-2003, 04:13 PM
Hi all !!! :D

Also i have one question: When i run Seq with root account, no error message appear in terminal but when i start Seq with my user account (with SU command of course) i have this message at begin: "Session Management error: Authentification Rejected, reason: None of the authentification protocoles specified are supported and host-based authentification failed "

It's bad Doc ??? :confused: You think i must prefer run Seq in root or this message aren't important ??

Thanks in advance !!

11-11-2003, 10:01 PM
It's bad Doc ??? You think i must prefer run Seq in root or this message aren't important ??

Because SEQ must put your NIC into promiscuious mode, it's my understanding that you MUST run it as root, no preferences allowed, just do what your told young man. =P

11-11-2003, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by mirulo
Hi all !!! :D

Also i have one question: When i run Seq with root account, no error message appear in terminal but when i start Seq with my user account (with SU command of course) i have this message at begin: "Session Management error: Authentification Rejected, reason: None of the authentification protocoles specified are supported and host-based authentification failed "

It's bad Doc ??? :confused: You think i must prefer run Seq in root or this message aren't important ??

Thanks in advance !!

The message isn't really important. ShowEQ doesn't really take advantage of session management anyways. The warning is because you are starting an X application under a different login then the one that the X server was started for. It is really an artifact of how X security is setup on your machine (probably by whoever's distro you are using).

Originally posted by Freakyuno
Because SEQ must put your NIC into promiscuious mode, it's my understanding that you MUST run it as root, no preferences allowed, just do what your told young man.

Actually Freqkyuno, by running SUID root (Set UID root) or SU'ing to root the process is starting it up and the network device is opened while the process is root, and then switches back to non-root (if SUID).

Zaphod (dohpaZ)

11-11-2003, 10:26 PM
The error message you posted doesn't seem to affect SEQ at all. I don't get that message at all on my system (regardless of if I su, su - or login directly as root), so it may be related to X and your version of QT since searching google (gee, search and ye shall find) reveals that this error is most likely related to X authority.

You could always try:

login as user
open xterm
xhost +localhost
su -

and see if the error crops up.

11-11-2003, 10:28 PM

Still dont know all the Linux Commands, but learning quickly. Going to do some research on this method. Thanks for the heads up.

11-12-2003, 07:18 AM
OKI Thx for this quickly answer !!! Now I'm reassured =)
And effectively this warning dissapear with the parameter - of SU commands !!!

Thanks a lot: Tunare save the Linux's pros too :D