View Full Version : Mob Items?
12-05-2003, 05:26 PM
Ok, I've searched and hunted the forums, and the closest answer I've seen is about 6 months old. My question is about the items a mob is carrying, has this feature been carried over from SEQ yet or not, or if it's even going ot be? If so how can I enable it? Any info would be appreciated, and thanks a ton for this prog :)
Blind Aviator
12-05-2003, 06:33 PM
Since SOE changed the code years ago the best you will ever see for what loot a mob has is only if the mob is holding it in primary or secondary (that is the best ShowEQ has been able to do for years now)... This is assuming they didn't reverse that coding to show all loot again (why would they?)...
12-05-2003, 10:09 PM
That should be done in the Server 2.0 version. I'm in the process of doing that now with the Tester program.
01-02-2004, 07:26 AM
good luck !
01-02-2004, 08:19 AM
No luck needed it's been done for several weeks now. Luck would be getting the actual info hehe but since Sony changed it we can't :(
01-02-2004, 09:49 AM
I thought the changes made to the code were that thier loot was no longer generated at spawn time but generated at loot time. If that's true then there would be no way to get that info because it wouldn't exist until the mob was killed.
01-02-2004, 10:09 AM
You are correct about loot but a weapon is different. If a spawn is holding something the EQ Client is told it's a generic item ie. Veliumn Short Sword, which could be any of the short swords from the Velious Expansion pack. You get the generic item so it can draw the appropriate weapon and since they use the same graphic for alot of the weapons they can scale it down to a small handfull (ok several hundres vs. thousands). That works the same with armour as well.
There are some mobs that hold weapons for display only and not for loot, but the majority is if you see it you get it.
01-02-2004, 10:25 AM
That's what I thought. the only use I found for this ability now is gathering greater lightstones but I haven't done that in years.
01-02-2004, 10:37 AM
If I may add to this,
what of the boxes, chest, and barrels in the LDoN dungeon. Would you be able to tell the loot that is held by them??
Thank you MQSEQ2 for all your hard work!!!! :D
01-02-2004, 10:41 AM
It can only tell you what the EQ client need to draw the spawn.
So if it's ture loot after you kill/open a spawn then that info isn't generated until loot time.
01-06-2004, 12:30 PM
A mob's loot table certainly is not determined at loot time. It is itemized at spawn.
There are items that give off lightsource by just being in your inventory and not equiped. Mobs carrying these items will also show the lightsource. Thus, the items must be in their "inventory" before being looted.
01-06-2004, 12:58 PM
Loot is determine once the mob is killed. The lightsource is a property of the spawn tho. IE. Glowing Wurms in GD are named the same as others and looks like the others but the only difference is there lightsoucrse is set. Here is a snipet of code that is in the new 2.x series.
[SpawnInfo Offsets]
public string GetLightSource(byte Light) {
string getLightSource = "";
switch (Light) {
case 0: getLightSource = "None"; break;
case 1: getLightSource = "Candle"; break;
case 2: getLightSource = "Torch"; break;
case 3: getLightSource = "Tiny Glowing Skull"; break;
case 4: getLightSource = "Small Lantern"; break;
case 5: getLightSource = "Stein of Moggok"; break;
case 6: getLightSource = "Large Lantern"; break;
case 7: getLightSource = "Flameless Lantern"; break;
case 8: getLightSource = "Globe of Stars"; break;
case 9: getLightSource = "Light Globe"; break;
case 10: getLightSource = "Lightstone"; break;
case 11: getLightSource = "Greater Lightstone"; break;
case 12: getLightSource = "Fire Beatle Eye"; break;
case 13: getLightSource = "Coldlight"; break;
default: getLightSource = Light.ToString(); break;
return getLightSource;
Originally the loot was determined at spawn time but becuase of SEQ Sony changed that several years ago. The only loot that is generated at spawn time is the stuff that is needed for drawing the mob (ie. held weapons, crowns, robes, etc., but other stuff like spells, gems, armour, etc. is not).
Not all weapons are drawn but there maybe one as loot for example Black Reavers drop the Jade Reavers but you will never see the BR holding the JR, but he does hold a staff every now and then that you can loot. Like there are some weapons drawn but they are nott loot for example the Spectures (grim reaper guys).
01-15-2004, 11:50 PM
SEQ was NEVER at ANY time able to see any items other than those which were being held. This is a popular misconception, but completely false all the same.
As far as loot goes, I do understand how the wielded weapons and lightsources work. I actually developed a similar application for myself and a few friends to use awhile back, from scratch.
That doesn't explain mob lightsources that are affected by inventory items they never wield. Off the top of my head, Wisps and Griffons are a good example. Wisps will have a varying lightsource depending on the type of stone they carry. Giffons will have a lightsource attribute when they have a griffon eye. Etc.
To set the lightsouce at spawn, the mob's loot loadout has to have already been determined.
Also, how do you explain the fact that you can trade items to a mob and then they'll drop when the mob is killed, if it doesn't have a server side "inventory"?
01-16-2004, 06:58 AM
ShowEQ did list inventory many years ago (unless there own posts are incorrect).
LightSource is a property of the SpawnInfo so they can set the Lightsource prior to sending the complete loot list information to the Client.
As for giving an item to a spawn then killing them and getting it back, I would assume they have a Dynamic Loot list that gets created as soon as you give it to them. Now the Dynamic loot list is not the same loot list that is generated at the server becuase you could in theory give an item to a spawn kill it and get the item back as well as other loot. But since I didn't write EQ it's really hard to say exactly what they are doing. So if any EQ dev's want to send me some info on how loot is generated it would help us out. Thanks in advance ;)
If the loot list was generated at Spawn time and sent to the client prior to killing the spawn everyone would know that and all the 3rd party software would be showing it. The folks at MQ has pretty much RE'd the entire client so they have mapped pretty much the entire SpawnInfo structure and it doesn't point to any hidden loot list.
If you want to say the loot is generated at Spawn time that's fine but the bottom line the loot list isn't sent to the client until the spawn is dead. If we can get it prior to killing then we will display it but until someone can figure out how to get the loot list prior to death theres not a whole lot we can do.
01-16-2004, 11:49 AM
I used to run a packet sniffer on the datastream before the first version of SEQ was publicly available (and the stream was completely un-encoded and un-encrypted). I've never ever seen any inventory information sent across the wire. Like I said, it's a common misconception that is posted many places as fact, but false.
In fact, about the only information removed from the datastream as a result of SEQ was exact HP, mana, and faction numbers.
I wasn't talking about having the inventory information on the client side pre-death. I was only responding to this:
Originally the loot was determined at spawn time but because of SEQ Sony changed that several years ago. The only loot that is generated at spawn time is the stuff that is needed for drawing the mob (ie. held weapons, crowns, robes, etc., but other stuff like spells, gems, armour, etc. is not).
I just hate that rumor (or any of the rest of the stupid SEQ rumors that aren't true), and wanted to respond to that. Obviously, it doesn't really matter if the inventory is generated on the server side at spawn since it isn't accessible, but the evidence that it is seems overwhelming to me.
01-16-2004, 11:55 AM
Thanks for clearing it up.
02-03-2004, 04:51 AM
rogues pp a mob it takes from the loot correct? How does a rogue PP a bag from naggy/vox when its not dead? would indicate loot upon spawning. Also when a mob has chance of spawning with different loot, if it spawns with weapon, that slot is taken from loot pool, so thats another pointer.
02-03-2004, 09:42 AM
You still would need a successful pp skill to have that item sent. I'm not involved in the code side of the project, but I'd be willing to bet that the loot table still isn't sent on a successful pp. I bet a single item is chosen from the loot table, and then sent.
As far as anyone involved in the project that I have ever seen post here knows, a loot table cannot be seen without interaction with the server. ShowEQ, Linux or Windows version does not do that. The Linux version only sniffs network traffic passively. The Windows version pulls the information from the client's memory. Neither interact with the server. I haven't been keeping up with the MacroQuest forums like I used to, but it's very possible from some other threads I've seen around that there is a plugin for MQ that can get this information, but I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole. Interacting with the servers with anything other than your client is just asking to get banned. Kill the mob and see if it drops the loot. That's what the game is about anyway.
02-03-2004, 09:54 AM
I've never heard of it but I guess it's time to go reading MQ forums (I hate doing that since it's been going downhill lately).
If folks don't believe what others have posted here about the loot tables then we would love any help in finding out that information. If we can get it we will add it but as DP has said these types of apps have been around for years and nobody has found it yet prior to killing the mobs. We will not circumvent the normal EQ Client/Server to get it tho.
02-03-2004, 03:09 PM
Some of you are arguing seperate points here...
The facts are:
a) Loot is itemized at the mob's spawntime.
b) The mob's complete loot table is NOT sent to the client until you right-click the corpse
c) Visible loot is the only thing that can be gleaned.
Just because SEQ can't pick up the mob's loot, it doesn't mean the mob has no loot until right-click, you just can't see it. It'd be a waste of bandwidth to the extreme to have every single mob broadcasting its loot table all the time. Instead, just broadcast the visual modifications reflect by the loot table (swords, armour) and have done with it.
06-13-2004, 03:31 AM
If the mob's loot were created upon right clicking it, then I guarantee you'd occasionally see a mob that you right clicked appear empty for a fraction of a second, then items would pop in.
Same situation if it was created upon a mob dying. I've right clicked mobs that were still standing and looted them entirely before they hit the ground. I've never seen an empty mob that then suddenly had an item on it 0.1 seconds later.
Server lag is pretty common and would cause this to happen all the time.
Squiffy is right. The client is exactly like your eyes. You can see a box and know it's full of objects, but all you see is the box until it's opened and that information is sent to your eyes. Same with the client, once the corpse is opened , the contents are sent to the client. No way to sniff the client and get that information prior to it being sent. If the box had a light source inside or a sword sticking out the side, you could see that because it's information that passes through the box to your eyes.
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