04-12-2009, 11:24 PM
I just noticed this with the startCastStruct:
struct startCastStruct
/*0000*/ int32_t slot; // ***Placeholder
/*0004*/ uint32_t spellId; // Spell ID
/*0008*/ int32_t inventorySlot; // ***Placeholder
/*0012*/ uint32_t targetId; // The current selected target
/*0016*/ uint8_t unknown0018[4]; // ***Placeholder
/*0020*/ uint8_t unknown0020[16]; // ***Placeholder (4/7/2009)
Anything else I'm missing?
struct startCastStruct
/*0000*/ int32_t slot; // ***Placeholder
/*0004*/ uint32_t spellId; // Spell ID
/*0008*/ int32_t inventorySlot; // ***Placeholder
/*0012*/ uint32_t targetId; // The current selected target
/*0016*/ uint8_t unknown0018[4]; // ***Placeholder
/*0020*/ uint8_t unknown0020[16]; // ***Placeholder (4/7/2009)
Anything else I'm missing?