View Full Version : MySeq Underfoot etc offsets

08-22-2015, 09:04 PM
Hi all... As you all are probably aware, there is a site called EQEMU that hosts a bunch of free EQ servers.

These servers use release versions of the EQ1 software and they have found the proper Macroquest 2 files for each.. see this page.. http://mqemulator.net/downloads.php

There are MQ2 versions for SOF, ROF, SOD, Titanium, Underfoot, and ROF2. These are the client versions that all these many servers support. I was hoping to get MySEQ offsets for these versions! Especially Underfoot and ROF2. Anyone have any ideas? The site also has the Macroquest 2 source code for all these versions. I was comparing the offsets for MQ2 and MySeq for the Titanium version, and some parts of it match, but, the secondary offsets probably are wrong. I don't know enough to make the MySEQ file from the MQ2. Any help would be appreciated!

12-30-2016, 02:14 PM
You can use the Offset finder and it works to locate the Main offsets. Shows your location in the zone, but there are no Mobs or PCs.