View Full Version : qt3-dev-tools via Ubuntu 16.04

06-23-2018, 01:53 PM
Since showeq requires qt3 libraries, here is how to get them for ubuntu 16.04.

Add this to your sources.list

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise main restricted multiverse universe

and then

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install qt3-dev-tools

That's it. Once you're done installing, remove the repo via Software & Updates, Other Software. Find precise repo and delete it.

06-24-2018, 07:18 AM
Thanks. Stickied the thread. Does this work for ubuntu 18?

10-15-2018, 08:54 AM
The above info doesn't work anymore. That repo was shutdown back in July I believe since it met end of life. You can still get qt3-dev-tools but will have to compile it manually and make sure SEQ knows where the libs are at.

If you installed qt3-dev-tools on Ubuntu 16.04 before they shut down that repo, you can still upgrade to 18.04 and seq works fine.

01-06-2019, 12:30 AM
You can still get qt3-dev-tools but will have to compile it manually and make sure SEQ knows where the libs are at.

I had issues with this portion and attempted to use the --with-qt-libraries flag in configure to avail.

I followed these instructions and had some success: https://medium.com/@Packet99/installing-showeq-in-2018-81566001ec89. The author recommends building Qt3 with -thread during configure, and then moving the built package into /usr/local/qt3 and editing the ld configuration.

It mostly worked for me, but I'm having issues with Qt not picking up fonts. This issue is independent of ShowEQ - none of the Qt examples are able to display fonts correctly. However, I'm using Lubuntu 18.04 instead of Mint, so it may just be a product of the way my distro does (or does not) do its font management.

06-08-2019, 08:58 PM
Do a fresh install of Ubuntu 16.04.6 desktop, then as root:

echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://ubuntu.pwned.com/ubuntu precise main restricted universe" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/precise.list
apt update && apt install -y qt3-dev-tools subversion libtool automake libpcap-dev
rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/precise.list && apt update
svn checkout http://svn.code.sf.net/p/seq/svn/showeq/trunk showeq && cd showeq
make -f Makefile.dist build && ./configure && make && make install
Edit line 13 in `/usr/local/share/showeq/seqdef.xml` and enjoy your Harry Potter maps.