View Full Version : Showeq 6 and Raspberry Pi 4

01-03-2021, 01:54 PM
I was successfully able to run SEQ6 on a pi 4 with Raspbian. My pi was a 4gb but it should work on other versions.

EDIT: SEQ runs on Buster but not newer images. Please install buster and read the edits to get it to work.

as root or sudo these commands

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install xdm x11-apps libx11-dev libvte9 qt4-default subversion libtool make automake libpcap-dev libxext-dev

It will ask which window manager you want. Keep lightdm.
After it is done, reboot.
If you want to use the pi as an access point for your laptop, you will need to install Rasp-ap.

curl -sL https://install.raspap.com | bash


reboot and set it up.

./configure && make && make install

That is it! It is a lot simpler than the pi 3.

Edit: added libx11-dev that was not installed. Added it to the list. My default install had libxext-dev already installed, but if configure fails, try installing it.

Edit2: re-added libxext-dev to the list. I dont know why mine said it was installed already and someone else said it wasnt. It cant hurt, at worst it will say it was already installed.

New: add libice-dev to the list.

01-03-2021, 08:22 PM
I'm pretty sure it's not actually failing on the docs (mine are never installed), but rather a silent library check right after the doc check. There are a couple of extra libraries that the configure script is expecting that aren't actually checked for (or otherwise mentioned). I think if you make sure that libxext-dev and libx11-dev are installed, it should configure without disabling qt validation. I've been meaning to tweak the configure scripts to either explicitly check for the presence of those libs, or remove the dependency if it's no longer needed. But unfortunately I haven't had time lately.

01-04-2021, 07:35 PM
Thanks, Ill try that.

That worked. It was libx11-dev that it was looking for.

01-05-2021, 11:14 AM
I've added checks to configure for X11 and Xext, so this will hopefully not be an issue any more.

01-20-2021, 08:41 PM

First of all great kudos and thanks to the volunteers who keep SEQ running. I've been using it for 19 years, never would have thought the game would have lasted this long, much less SEQ :)

I've been running SEQ on a Pi3 for the last 4 years. Big surprise, Qt 4 isn't on my raspian install but that image is also 4+ years old.

So what image/version of Raspian has Qt4 included with? Or, is there a procedure to apt-get the appropriate packages and get Qt4 going on the old platform? I can install any OS to the Pi you indicate and carry out any commands. Just need to be told what to do :)

Many Thanks Guys

01-21-2021, 12:48 AM
Good stuff. Is there a a way to run the raspberry pi headless, and access it from my windows PC running EQ? Would something like XDMCP be worth looking into?

01-22-2021, 12:37 AM
So what image/version of Raspian has Qt4 included with? Or, is there a procedure to apt-get the appropriate packages and get Qt4 going on the old platform? I can install any OS to the Pi you indicate and carry out any commands. Just need to be told what to do

I haven't messed with the pi much, other than a test install on an older one. Hopefully BlueAdept or one of the other pi users can point you in the right direction.

Good stuff. Is there a a way to run the raspberry pi headless, and access it from my windows PC running EQ? Would something like XDMCP be worth looking into?

I know I've seen posts here about using X forwarding over SSH, and also using Xming. I don't recall anyone discussing XDMCP, but I could have missed it. At any rate, I think it's certainly possible to do what you're asking.

01-22-2021, 11:47 PM
hmm. I believe I got this installed, but I'm having issues trying to launch it in terminal. When I type showeq in the command line, it says it's an invalid command. I've only used showeq with CentOS thus far, so chances are I am missing something really simple. Do I need to manually add it to PATH or something? Is there a way to directly launch the showeq executable?

01-23-2021, 09:00 AM
hmm. I believe I got this installed, but I'm having issues trying to launch it in terminal. When I type showeq in the command line, it says it's an invalid command. I've only used showeq with CentOS thus far, so chances are I am missing something really simple. Do I need to manually add it to PATH or something? Is there a way to directly launch the showeq executable? Running `make install` will default to installing ShowEQ under the /usr/local/ hierarchy, with the executable in /usr/local/bin. This should already be in your path.

01-23-2021, 10:57 AM
Running `make install` will default to installing ShowEQ under the /usr/local/ hierarchy, with the executable in /usr/local/bin. This should already be in your path.
Okay. is the executable just called "showeq" ? or is there an extension

01-23-2021, 10:16 PM
Okay. is the executable just called "showeq" ? or is there an extension

It's just `showeq`, no extension.

01-24-2021, 01:56 PM
Which OS are you using? I just ordered PI 4, 8gb should be here tomorrow.
Any step by step guides anywhere? I search and only saw PI 3.

FYI, Thanks for your time.

01-24-2021, 03:57 PM
Edit: added libx11-dev that was not installed. Added it to the list. My default install had libxext-dev already installed, but if configure fails, try installing it.

Brand new Raspberry pi 4 that I got today from Amazon, after updating and upgrading everything, I needed to install libxext-dev as well as the other packages you noted above. Worked great.

01-24-2021, 08:39 PM
With a 64-bit install of Raspberry Pi OS from https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/raspios_arm64/ the showeq6 configure script required some help finding the architecture and qt libs.

I've had success running configure with the following:

./configure --build=aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --with-qt-libraries=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu

01-25-2021, 02:30 PM
That is overkill. I used a pi4 with 4gb (just what I had on hand. It should work with less since the old worked on Pi3 with 1gb) and it works fine.

01-25-2021, 05:46 PM
That is overkill. I used a pi4 with 4gb (just what I had on hand. It should work with less since the old worked on Pi3 with 1gb) and it works fine.

I agree, but I wanted the 8g and $15 more I do not care. I am sure I get bored with this someday and move on, maybe build arcade system.

Found it odd that is the only thing you saw on my post. I was hoping for more information. I guess to each is own.

Can I use the Ubuntu Desktop image from the raspberry site ?

01-25-2021, 08:57 PM
Of course it's overkill, but I thought it may be of interest to anyone else with the 8GB RAM version of the Pi4.

These command line switches aren't necessary when using an updated config.guess file. I copied the file /usr/share/misc/config.guess into my svn checkout and ./configure proceeds without error.

config.guess is provided by the autotools-dev package

01-25-2021, 11:53 PM
I agree, but I wanted the 8g and $15 more I do not care. I am sure I get bored with this someday and move on, maybe build arcade system.

Found it odd that is the only thing you saw on my post. I was hoping for more information. I guess to each is own.

Can I use the Ubuntu Desktop image from the raspberry site ?

Heya Overkill, I agree with you, there is no such thing as too fast or too much RAM, especially for $15 more. I was running an old dell laptop (e6420 with 8gb of ram) and the machine would take 4-5 minutes to make and build showeq. I did the same thing on the pi4 with 4GB of RAM and it takes at least 10 minutes. I"m not sure what the bottleneck is, i'm thinking its probably the microSD card depending on which one you get, i'm using the one that came with the pi. I'm not sure if it could be the CPU as i haven't researched what type of CPU it has. I built my new SEQ6 laptop on a Lenovo T440 I had laying around from work (16gb of ram I think) and SSD with good fast CPU and i can build showeq in about 70 seconds, which is pretty nice (even though you only have to do it once a month lol).

But to answer some of your questions. I haven't been able to get showeq to work with any of the ubuntu images that you can flash on the Pi. I tried 20.10 (both desktop and server), 20.04.1 lts. The problem is not able to get QT4 installed since its no longer supported and removed from the official repositories. I tried adding the unofficial rock-core PPA and going that route, but I think the only version of ubuntu they have on there is for 20.04 and i couldn't get many of the qt4 packages, I think they only have one, and i couldn't get it to install. Can't get qt4-dev-tools, qt4-qmake, libqt4-declarative, etc. So I think ubuntu is probably out until SEQ7 gets here with QT5 support.

You can use it on the version that comes with the pi though. I followed blue's instructions and got it working by these commands:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get install xdm x11-apps libx11-dev libvte9 qt4-default subversion libtool make automake libpcap-dev libxext-dev

That last one I had to install, it complained that I didn't have it when I tried without it. The original updating and upgrading took a long time! I just let it run and walked away and when I came back it was done.

01-26-2021, 09:26 AM
I agree, but I wanted the 8g and $15 more I do not care. I am sure I get bored with this someday and move on, maybe build arcade system.

Found it odd that is the only thing you saw on my post. I was hoping for more information. I guess to each is own.

Can I use the Ubuntu Desktop image from the raspberry site ?

I only tried the Raspbian. I included steps on how to get it to work in the first post. I didnt think I had to repeat them.

Give Ubuntu a try and let us know of the results.

Edit: Guess Ubuntu was tried and failed. There may be a 3rd party build QT4, just like the later raspberry pi 3b+ build for QT3. Ill look into it.

01-26-2021, 10:02 AM
For QT4 in Ubuntu, you can try to build this and see if it works. https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/blfs/conglomeration/qt4/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.5.3.tar.gz the QT3 version worked for Stretch on Pi3b+.

01-26-2021, 10:49 AM
For QT4 in Ubuntu, you can try to build this and see if it works. https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/blfs/conglomeration/qt4/qt-x11-opensource-src-4.5.3.tar.gz the QT3 version worked for Stretch on Pi3b+.

Thank you so much. I am at work, so when I go home tonight let the fun start.

01-26-2021, 10:52 AM
Heya Overkill,

I love that nickname, I am going to use it next time. : )

01-26-2021, 07:06 PM
I only tried the Raspbian. I included steps on how to get it to work in the first post. I didnt think I had to repeat them.

The thing is, I cannot find where to download Raspbian. Is this the name of the image? I see where to go, but once I go the site. I do not see Raspbian image anywhere.

01-26-2021, 09:10 PM
The thing is, I cannot find where to download Raspbian. Is this the name of the image? I see where to go, but once I go the site. I do not see Raspbian image anywhere.

go here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/

then download the pi imager, i installed it on my windows workstation (they have different versions for different OS's). Then i inserted another microsd card in my computer (i bought a cheapy usb card reader) and you select the OS and select the drive (it formats the drive so choose carefully) and hit go. It takes a little while to download the image and then create the bootable card but not too bad. They have all different varieties to choose from.

01-26-2021, 10:53 PM
go here: https://www.raspberrypi.org/software/

then download the pi imager, i installed it on my windows workstation (they have different versions for different OS's). Then i inserted another microsd card in my computer (i bought a cheapy usb card reader) and you select the OS and select the drive (it formats the drive so choose carefully) and hit go. It takes a little while to download the image and then create the bootable card but not too bad. They have all different varieties to choose from.

I did that, and I do not see any files that says Raspbian on the list.

01-27-2021, 08:11 AM
Go to https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/imager_1.5.exe download the imager. In the menu select Rasbian. If it is not in there, they renamed it to Raspberry Pi OS. It says it right on the front page of raspberrypi.org.

Your Raspberry Pi needs an operating system to work. This is it. Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) is our official supported operating system.

01-27-2021, 09:33 AM
Go to https://downloads.raspberrypi.org/imager/imager_1.5.exe download the imager. In the menu select Rasbian. If it is not in there, they renamed it to Raspberry Pi OS. It says it right on the front page of raspberrypi.org.

Your Raspberry Pi needs an operating system to work. This is it. Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) is our official supported operating system.

Thanks I got showeq installed now. It did help knowing the name of the OS, lol.

01-29-2021, 02:35 PM
I finally got the 5-port hub from Amazon, and ShowEQ is working great. I guess maps are not included?

I guess time to find them, lol. Any good source for them?

I found this set. FYI, this forums sets view for only 1 month history, hence why I couldn't find anything, lol.


01-30-2021, 09:08 PM
I finally got the 5-port hub from Amazon, and ShowEQ is working great. I guess maps are not included?

I guess time to find them, lol. Any good source for them?

I found this set. FYI, this forums sets view for only 1 month history, hence why I couldn't find anything, lol.


Yup that's the set I always use, i always use google to find them lol.

01-31-2021, 01:53 PM
yes brewalls are the ones I use

02-03-2021, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the guide. I have this working on my pi 4 with x11 forwarding. works like a dream, except one thing.. i am getting frequent segmentation fault errors, more than I got on CentOS 7. Is there anything one can do to prevent these errors, or reduce their frequency?

02-04-2021, 07:49 PM
Thanks for the guide. I have this working on my pi 4 with x11 forwarding. works like a dream, except one thing.. i am getting frequent segmentation fault errors, more than I got on CentOS 7. Is there anything one can do to prevent these errors, or reduce their frequency?

Make sure fast machine and session tracking is on. The problem most likely is session tracking.

02-06-2021, 02:28 PM
Make sure fast machine and session tracking is on. The problem most likely is session tracking.
That appears to have fixed it. thank you

02-06-2021, 02:37 PM
Back in the day, almost no one ran more than 1 instance. Even when they did windowed mode, most people couldnt run more than one instance. Usually you had two computers running it. It used to take a beefy machine to run two. Now I run 6 with ease. Session tracking focuses on one set of zone packets so it doesnt get confused and crash.

02-07-2021, 01:18 AM
RIP. I spoke too soon.. Just got another segfault with those settings enabled. Do we know what causes it or are there any other tips? also, I only run one instance of showeq

02-07-2021, 07:33 AM
Seg faults happen occasionally. SEQ isnt perfect. Make sure you are updated to the newest version. Occasionally I will forget to updated and it will seg. What is the segfault? If it continues to happen, post the output of the seg fault. Be sure to XXX ip addresses and names, if any.

Not multiple instances of SEQ, I meant multiple instances of EQ

02-07-2021, 02:06 PM
Seg faults happen occasionally. SEQ isnt perfect. Make sure you are updated to the newest version. Occasionally I will forget to updated and it will seg. What is the segfault? If it continues to happen, post the output of the seg fault. Be sure to XXX ip addresses and names, if any.

Not multiple instances of SEQ, I meant multiple instances of EQ
Yeah I get you. Your advice definitely reduced the frequency by alot. Been playing for hours today and havent got any segfaults

02-14-2021, 03:59 PM
Yeah I get you. Your advice definitely reduced the frequency by alot. Been playing for hours today and havent got any segfaults

Heya Shinigami, pay attention what you are doing when the seg fault happens. I'm also running on centos 7, and whenever I add someone or drop someone from a task (/kickp t) to kick everyone from the task or even if i drop a group mission, i get a seg fault. Also When I camp out in POK for the night and i bring in my bazaar mule, it detects the bazaar and seg faults. My buddy is running the same thing and whenever he does anything with tasks, he also seg faults.

02-14-2021, 04:45 PM
Heya Shinigami, pay attention what you are doing when the seg fault happens. I'm also running on centos 7, and whenever I add someone or drop someone from a task (/kickp t) to kick everyone from the task or even if i drop a group mission, i get a seg fault. Also When I camp out in POK for the night and i bring in my bazaar mule, it detects the bazaar and seg faults. My buddy is running the same thing and whenever he does anything with tasks, he also seg faults.
I think you're onto something. It's been happening to me every time I kick task as well. and for BA, there's no reported error in terminal. It goes straight from lines of tracked EQ logs to "Segmentation fault"

02-14-2021, 09:55 PM
To aid in troubleshooting, please do the following:

1. Ensure that ShowEQ is built with debug support. This is the default, so unless you run ./configure with the --disable-debug switch, you should already have debugging enabled.

2. Enable core dumps. Immediately before you run ShowEQ (in the same terminal session, and as the same user used to run ShowEQ), run
# ulimit -c unlimited

3. Run ShowEQ & play EQ until you get a crash. This should leave a file called "core" (or similar) in the directory where you ran ShowEQ.

4. Install GDB if it isn't already installed, and load the core file into GDB.
# gdb showeq core 5. Generate a backtrace from the core
# bt full 6. Copy/paste it into a file (there will be several pages) and PM or email ([email protected]) it to me.


02-16-2021, 04:50 PM
I just have the most recent SEQ build using the normal procedure. Will follow your recommendations. That said, i just got a new one today outside of an instance, and there was an accompanying error. Names redacted to protect identity

Warning: SpawnShell: tried to rename Fellowship_Campfire02 to XXX's Fellowship, but the original mob didn't exist in the spawn list
Segmentation fault

Seems to indicate an issue with a fellowship campfire

05-31-2022, 12:14 AM
The Raspberry Pi Raspbian OS downloads are now Bullseye and Legacy (Buster). Bullseye doesn't support QT4 and the Legacy fails on ./configure checking for ICE and is missing the ICE development package. Going back to older versions of Buster and prior have a mode flag called OldStable and they will not update / upgrade. So currently I'm unable to build a working RPi 4 ShowEQ with the current Raspbian OS and version 6 of ShowEQ. There is a thread on ShowEQ7 supporting QT5 in development but until ShowEQ7 is available any suggestions on getting QT4 to work with Bullseye or how to find the ICE development library for the legacy buster version would be helpful.

05-31-2022, 12:42 PM
Since CentOS 8 died (cant even find it anymore on the repos) (RH Killed CentOS) there is no real support for CentOS7 or 8 for QT5. CentOS Stream is the new product and is basically what Fedora Core used to be (cutting edge beta for RHE). There are 2 new flavors that take CentOS Stream and mold it into a similar package of RHE. Unfortunately it still is basically Stream with more RHE packages. We will have to see what one shakes out to be the best before moving to QT5.

06-01-2022, 05:32 PM
I found a solution to the missing library that ./configure errors out on. The Raspberry Pi has a list of all the packages and searching for ICE found several packages containing ICE in the package name.

What worked to solve the configure was "libice-dev" for Bullseye:(2:1.0.10-1) Buster:(2:1.0.9-2) X11 Inter-Client Exchange library (development headers). Using the legacy raspbian (Buster) image with the packages listed at the beginning of this thread needs to add libice-dev.


06-02-2022, 02:03 PM
Thanks sea4ht. Ill go back and edit it a little later to add that post. Good work figuring it out.

Edit: Made the changes to the original message! Thanks!

08-27-2022, 02:18 PM
Installing to a rpi4 today and everything seems to work but at the end it does say theres a few errors ill try to post a screen shot.826

update: Ok I used raspbian buster from 4/4/200 and with the help of this post http://www.showeq.net/forums/showthread.php?7631-ShowEQ-6-1-1-on-Linux-Mint-20-1 as well as the one we are currently in I got it all installed and launched now I need to figure out how to actually use showeq. I had to use sudo for each command otherwise it wasnt giving me permission to create the folders. Thank you for the posts.

09-15-2024, 12:01 PM
Long time lurker, but figured i'd give back since i've been wanting to upgrade my pi3 for awhile now and no one has really posted much about the pi5 yet.

I bought a pi5 4gb, installed the latest raspbian bookworm OS. All the installs for the pi4 in the OP work except installing qt4 as i believe it was depreciated.

That said, installing qt5 worked and showeq runs like a charm
apt-get install qtbase5-dev

Bonus stuff:

This works on pi3 and pi5 confirmed
I run showeq through my pi PC ethernet -> pi ethernet -> pi wireless to router

PC set to static ip, gateway set to
Pi ethernet static ip, gateway set to network's actual gateway ( in this case)

Installed on Pi
apt install ifmetric
apt install iptables

Run on Pi start-up
sudo su
ifmetric wlan0 50
echo 1 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wlan0 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i wlan0 -o eth0 -m state --state RELATED, ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o wlan0 -j ACCEPT