View Full Version : March 13th. 2024 Live offsets

03-13-2024, 08:28 AM
[File Info]
ClientHash=886bf02760bdf330c21a39289f530dd82db733d f
BuildString=Release Client #630 11:46:46 Mar 7 2024


[Memory Offsets]

[WorldInfo Offsets]

[SpawnInfo Offsets]

[GroundItem Offsets]

03-28-2024, 09:31 PM
Can you teach me how to find the offsets for Test?

04-02-2024, 08:22 AM
Can you teach me how to find the offsets for Test?

Here is one of the guides on how to do it (some of this may be outdated and I don't follow all the steps and only use like 2-3 of them for key offsets so I don't even know if everything in this is still correct / working). The first 3 summary parts will get most of the important stuff working pretty easy. Never tried it on debug but I am guessing it should work the same.

Edit: As a side note if you don't know how to start the debug server create a shortcut with a link to the server.exe file "C:\{your path to server exe}\v2server.exe debug" and by adding the debug to the end of the hotkey it will start the server in cmd mode so you can do the following commands below.

1) ZoneAddr
a. go to the guild lobby
b. fz guildlobby
- Try each as the value for ZoneAddr. The most likely candidate will be the one whose value is closest to the previous value for ZoneAddr.

2) TargetAddr
a. /target Guardian_Rooksis
b. ft Guardian_Rooksis00
- Try each as the value for TargetAddr. The most likely candidate will be the one whose value is closest to the previous value for TargetAddr.

3) CharInfo / SpawnHeaderAddr
a. hit F1
b. ft {your character name}
- Some of the returned values will be identical to the values you got in step 4, above, and can be discarded. Try each of the others as the value for both CharInfo and SpawnHeaderAddr. The most likely candidate is the one whose value relative to the one you settled on in step 4 is closest to the previous difference between CharInfo and TargetAddr.

1: Click the icon in the upper left of the debug server window, and select "properties". Select the "Layout"
tab, and in the "Screen Buffer Size" box, change "Height" to 3000. (This could be something that you only
have to do once, since the setting may be sticky.)

2: Go to the guild lobby

3: In the debug server window, type "fz guildlobby". Note the returned values. Try each as the value for
ZoneAddr. The most likely candidate will be the one whose value is closest to the previous value for ZoneAddr.

4: Target Guardian Rooksis, at the end of the hall leading to the Plane of Knowledge closest to the throne.
In the debug server window, type "ft Guardian_Rooksis00". Note the returned values. Try each as the value
for TargetAddr. The most likely candidate will be the one whose value is closest to the previous value for

5: Target yourself (hit F1 in game). In the debug server window, type "ft " followed by your first name
(for example, if your character's name is "Flyboy Sopwith", you would type "ft Flyboy"). Note the returned
values. Some of the returned values will be identical to the values you got in step 4, above, and can be
discarded. Try each of the others as the value for both CharInfo and SpawnHeaderAddr. The most likely
candidate is the one whose value relative to the one you settled on in step 4 is closest to the previous
difference between CharInfo and TargetAddr.

6: In the debug server window, type "es" (or "et" with the appropriate NPC targeted if you did your prep
using an NPC). For the next few pointers, you'll use the "find" function in the debug server window. To do
this, click the icon in the upper-left corner, select "Edit ->", and then "Find...". Type the hexadecimal
value for which you want to search into the text box in the Find... window. For multi-byte values, separate
the bytes with a space and order the bytes from least significant to most significant (for example, to search
for the hex value 0x1234, you would type "34 12" into the search box. Find the offsets below by searching
for the values you found for them during preparation. Note that most of these offsets will be even numbers
(numbers that end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, a, c, or e). The only exception I've seen in the last 5 years is
LevelOffset, which doesn't have that restriction.
6a: Your level (LevelOffset)
6b: Your race (RaceOffset)
6c: Your class (ClassOffset)
6d: The item you have equipped in your primary hand (PrimaryOffset)
6e: The item you have equipped in your off hand (OffhandOffset)

7: Place the same type of invisibility on yourself as you had during your prep. In the debug server window,
type "es". Search for the 4-byte value that corresponds to the invis type you recorded during prep, and use
the offset you find as HideOffset. Note that it will be on a 32-bit-aligned offset (an offset that ends in
0, 4, 8, or c).

8: Find and target a pet class player who has a pet up. In the debug server window type "et". Go to the
offset specified by SpawnIDOffset and note the value stored there. Target the player's pet and, in the debug
server window, type "et". Search for the value you recorded for SpawnIDOffset for the pet's owner.
This is OwnerIDOffset. Note that because you'll have two "et" dumps in the same window, you're going to get
at least two hits here - one for the SpawnID of the pet's owner, which will obviously be at SpawnIDOffset,
and one for the OwnerID of the pet. Just make sure that when you get a hit, the offset at which the hit was
found makes sense.

9: Go to Plane of Knowledge. In the server debug window, type "sg". Note the returned pointers. One or more
should be of the form "ITnnnnn_ACTORDEF". Try each of these as the value for ItemsAddr. The best candidate
will be the one whose value is closest to the previous value for ItemsAddr.

10: In game, type "/time". Note the game date. In the debug server window, type "sfw mm/dd/yyyy", where
mm is the month that was returned for game time, dd is the date, and yyyy is the year. For example, if
/ti returned "Game Time: Monday, December 7, 3141 - 3 AM", you would type "/sfw 12/07/3141". In all
likelihood, only one pointer will be returned, and this should be used as WorldAddr.