View Full Version : Filters question

04-13-2002, 04:44 AM
I undertstand regexp to a certain degree, but im having problems setting up compound regexps.

For example, in ssra temple, I want to look for :

Xerkizh the Creator

So I have:

Name:Xerkizh the Creator

which works just fine. However, there are 2 mobs called Xerkizh the Creator that can be up in ssra temple.

One is an Invisible Man, the other is a Shissar.

I have tried to make a regexp to look for

Name:Xerkizh the Creator.*Race:Shissar

But this doesnt work, what is the complete string format that I should be using a regexp on ?

04-13-2002, 09:27 AM
Found at the top of my filters.conf was:

# Where the <Regular Expression> is matched against a filter string
# constructed as follows (where things in <> are replaced with the
# value specific to the particular item instance):
# Name:<Name>:Race:<Race>:Class:<Class>:NPC:<NPC Value>:X:<X>:Y:<Y>:Z:<Z>:
# For spawns that aren't drops/coins the string has the following added to the
# end of the string:
# Light:<Light>:Deity:<Deity Name>:RTeam:<RTeam>:DTeam:<DTeam>:

04-13-2002, 09:36 AM
ok, so what I am doing wrong ?

Name:Xerkizh the Creator:Race:Shissar

doesnt show anything

Name:Xerkizh the Creator

shows both versions.