Thanks for your work. I've been having some problems getting it to work however, so I thought I'd post my information to help you nail down any bugs if you so choose.

First off, my system set up. I'm running Windows XP on both machines, and I have installed the .NET files from the above link on both computers. Both computers have 100mb nics. They are connected like this:

EQ Computer ---- Netgear Hub ---- Linksys Router ---- 'Client' Machine

I run the server, and it starts up as it should.

Waiting for new connection...
I run EQ, and start the client on the other machine. I set the IP address to the EQ machine, and I hit go. The title of the Client application changes from "MySeq - " to "0". No spawns appear and the map is not loaded.

The server recognizes the connection however, and the following information is displayed:

found - pid = 1348

new connection from:
Nexus Nexus
I get the same results if I run the client on the EQ machine and connect via I have also recompiled the code with sleep changed to 500, and there was no difference for me.