I don't know if anyone else has this happening , but on any of my Toons, any spell that I cast show up in the SEQ Spell window, but only WHILE it is being cast. When it is done being cast, it disappears from the SEQ Spell Window. Then , if I zone, it reappears in the spell window with the correct time left. This is with 4.3.13a and 4.14. Did not happen in 4.12

In the Text Window I see this when casting: (id#) is actually a 3 digit number

SPELL: You begin casting Mask of the Hunter. Current Target is Toonname(id#)
selfStartSpellCast - id=1565 on spawnid=id#
selfFinishSpellCast - id=1565, by=2
Dropping buff - id=1565 from spawn=id#

Same thing happens for all spells that are cast, but then, if I zone, they show back up. All Spells are successfully loaded at startup, ie: Loaded 4294 spells from '/path/spells_en.txt maxspell=0x1142

UPDATE: If the spell is cast on anyone but myself, it stays in the SEQ Spell Window.

Also, did the ability to delete a spell from the spell window by double clicking the middle mouse button get removed? This is no longer working.