dohpaZ (11/05/02)
Modifications:[list][*]version 4.2.0[*]Applied patch #539485 "spells update" by wyvern (mvern)[*]Applied patch #554633 "Default Parameter/Minimum Size Fixes" by asdf (adenine)[*]Applied fixes from Ryntar's "Some bug fixes..." post from 5/10/2002[*]Fixed language handling[*]Fixed so that recieving a position update on a just deleted spawn will no longer create an unknown spawn[*]Packet Structure Changes
- channelMessageStruct
- charProfileStruct[*]Added support for a per-map default zoom level[*]Added ability to set window captions from the Interface menu[*]Added map menu options to control map repainting.[*]Added Network menu options to allow setting of various parameters previously only exposed via the config file[*]Added the ability to change the Save State options from a sub-menu off of the Options menu.[*]Added ability to control creation of unknown spawns from the Options menu[*]Added map menu option for controlling the display of unknown spawns on a per-map basis.[*]Made some of the default settings more slow machine friendly: AnimateSpawns(false), ShowDoors(false), ShowDroppedCoins(false), CacheChanges(true), FastMachine(false), FrameRate(5), SaveState Spawns(false)[*]Removed the code to prevent using Qt command line arguments since a number of useful options are/were not supported via ShowEQ GUI or command line[*]Actually made the Spawn list, Stat List, Skill List, and Spell List dynamic again and only created when needed. Thereby finally fixing the regressions introduced in interface.cpp version 1.16 on 22/02/02.[*]Made FastMachine meaningful. It now just controls 2D integer vs. 3D floating point distance calculation. Previously it also forced a map repaint on every change that effected a visible map element, which actually ended up having the opposite of the intended effect.[*]No longer save preferences on exit, only save when user chooses to via the menu "File" -> "Save Preferences" or via the CTRL+S accelerator[*]Migrated to an XML based preference system.
  1. The configuration file seqdef.xml contains the ShowEQ defaults and will usually only be modified to change site specific things, if ever.
  2. The user configuration file showeq.xml can be used as a template to create user specific overrides of specific options. It contains Category Manager and Message Box (Channel messages) window descriptions by default. Many user settable parameters may now be set via the GUI and will be saved to this file via the "File" menu's "Save Preferences" option.
  3. The DTD describing the specific XML format used in the files is called seqpref.dtd for those who understand such things.[/list=a]

  • Make sure to do a clean build and install, starting from 'make -f Makefile.dist' and ending with a make install.
  • The old configuration files will no longer be used, a method for migrating configuration information from these files has not been provided.

Zaphod (dohpaZ)