fee (floyd) (29/07/02)
+ version 4.2.13
+ Complete overhaul of EQPacket members decodePacket
- now includes functionality for sequencing client and server data streams
- better sequence handling
- elimination of a race condition between pcap and main threads
- better session tracking
- should be same behavior as before, do not zone multiple clients
simultaneously, if you LD you can reset session tracking by
clicking Monitor Next EQ Client or the other Monitor options.
+ dispatchSplitZoneData has been replaced with dispatchSplitData
- dynamic allocation for fragment assembly
- improved error checking/handling
+ new members processCache, setCache and resetCache
- based on zaphod's original design, extended to handle more data streams
+ new member resetEQPacket
- called upon session Close or while setting a pcap filter vi Network menu
- resets all states, caches, etc in EQPacket
+ Improved NetDiags to show all the new data from EQPacket
+ pcap filter rework
*** If you still experience packet loss, which results in failure to decode,
*** set Network->Advanced->seq arq give up to a higher value! Recomend Broadband
*** users set to 128+ and modem users to 256+. Do not be afraid to crank this
*** value to 512 or better if that is what it takes.
This patch should fix the decoding and inflation issues that have been plaguing those with less than stellar network connections. This includes trouble decoding the Bazaar or following a Succor/Evac. Before reporting failures with this code, please have a look at NetDiags and try adjusting your seqArqGiveUP setting to 256+.
Fee (floyd)