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Thread: Filters.conf - need a little help

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Filters.conf - need a little help

    I am working on putting together a nice, alphabetical, commented list rare spawns in the Filters.conf file. I already have a older list that has a majority of spawns in it already. I am cleaning up some spelling mistakes and organizing it with plans to repost it back up here to the board.

    I do have a question regarding how the file is parsed.

    For example, if you have the following:


    This will not only report the head vampire of kaesora, Xalgoz, but will also circle Minion of Xalgoz as well on the map and in the Alerts. Is there a way to differentiate?


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    not sure... but would love somone to post a good working filters.conf

  3. #3
    Registered User Zaphod's Avatar
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    In your example it will match any occurances of Xalgoz that occur anywhere in the filter string. Make sure that this is what you want. If you want to limit it to just those occurrances in the Name field you might want to use:
    Basically this reads as match the literal string "Name:", followed by 0 or more non-colons, followed by the literal string Xalgoz, followed by 0 or more non-colons, followed by a colon.

    Look carefully at the information in the latest filters.conf.dist file. You also may want to lookup information on POSIX style regex, if the appropriate info files are installed you can find it by using the command:
    $ info regex
    and navigating around the information contained therein.

    Zaphod (dohpaZ)
    Chief Software Engineer of the Apocalypse. user: dohpaz.

    Personal thank you donations are now accepted.

  4. #4
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    Filter string format

    Where can I find the format of the filter string?

    I'm assuming it is something along the lines of...

    Name:{mob_name}:Race:{mob_race}:Class:{mob_class}. ...

    or something like that. Is it documented somewhere?

    edit: I see that this info was recently added to the filters.conf.dist file.
    Last edited by Soladan; 01-03-2002 at 11:51 AM.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Read the filters.conf.dist file for the syntax.

  6. #6
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    good idea

    Please make your new list available so others can benefit. Also, if you know of anyone elses list that looks good, please provide links. Lots of us mutton heads could use some help in the filter department.

  7. #7
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    Right-click on a spawn in the spawnlist to see it's entire filter string which gets matched against the pattern in filter.conf.

  8. #8
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    Unhappy Trying to get this to work to no avail

    I followed the posix syntax (at least I think I did) and it is still not working correctly from what I can see. Here is a filter example:


    I have this in both Alert and Caution and not only do I get "Deep" to register, but also "deepwater barracuda" blinks as well.

    Any help? I want to get this filter file cleaned up so I can get it to everyone.



  9. #9
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    Ok breakdown:

    First showeq filters are case insensitive so 'D' matches 'd'

    Secondly break down of your syntax:


    Name: #(easy hard match to Name
    [^:]* #0 or more characters that are NOT a semicolon
    Deep #hard match, but remember insensitive so matches deep dEEp dEeP....
    [^:]* #again, matches 0 or more non semicolons
    : #semicolon

    Whats messing you up are those wildcard matches. You know the name is delimited by semicolons, but you also know that it's of pattern :SPACENAMESPACE: Those wildcard matches give you flexibility if you don't know the exact name or want to match more than one name. IE deepwater goblins AND deepwater barracuda AND etc... Since you only want to match a very specific name, just nix the wildcard matches for an exact match:
    which reads:

    Another interesting match would be if you wanted something that ended or started with something, but you don't want it to match if it appears in the middle. Then you would use the word boundry escape: \b


    That should force a word to begin with grif and have something after it. In other words, griffon would match, so would grifin, but Komgrif wouldn't, nor would grif itself.

    I haven't tested \b in showeq, but it ought to work.

  10. #10
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    Lightbulb Getting further

    Using the following example you gave:


    Shouldnt then also:

    Name:\sdeepwater barracuda\s: match as well. When I enter this string it doesn't.

    What I am trying to accomplish is to setup literal text strings for all of the named mobs in the game. In a couple of cases I will need to add race as well due to the fact that some mobs are duped (as in Goblin Warlord in Runieye and Goblin Warlords in LoIO). I am close, I can feel it.

    Additionally, I have the case sensitive matches turned off in the showeq.conf.

  11. #11
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    I was playing with my filters last night and ran into this same thing. Don't put a space after your first colon. As an example, I was hunting crag spiders in East Karana and my working Hunt section looked like this (items in parantheses are my comments - don't type those):

    Name:crag spider, a (makes all crag spiders flash white)

    Or this:

    Race:Giant Spider (makes all giant spiders of any kind flash white)

    This did NOT work:

    Name: crag spider, a #note the space after the colon.

    Also, I found the best way to edit this file is to not have seq open, and use an offline text editor to do it. Seq will overwrite your changes if you edit while it's open and then exit. Edit your file as shown above - you can put in your [Alert] section if that's your preference, save the file, then fire up seq.

    /em goes back to lurking.


  12. #12
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Since filtering was brought up again, I thought I would remind everyone that my filters.conf file, zone specific filters, libeq.a and some other stuff are on my web site. (forward to main) or (main) or (mirror)

    If you find any mobs that are incorrect or should be added email me at [email protected] and Ill get them on there.

    Currently I do not have ANY luclin rares. If anyone can help send me them it would be really beneficial to everyone.

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