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Thread: Well, I give up!

  1. #1
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    Angry Well, I give up I think

    Having herd about ShowEQ for a few years, but never having the ability to actually put together the resources to use SEQ I just went along playing EQ without it. Then, 1 month ago, 1 week before PoP came out, I got my big break, I was able to get another CPU, friend installed Linux on it, set me up with SEQ and WOW !!! I fell in love with it. Now, a month (almost) has gone by and other than the map & my directional arrow, SEQ of course doesn't work like it used to. Now I know you need a "key sniffer"... whatever the hell that is, from what I gather, it's an executable file you run before starting up SEQ. Well, flame me if you want, tell me what kind of idoit I am, that's fine with me. But unless I can get someone to actually e-mail me a "key sniffer" I'll never be able to use SEQ again. And that's sad, cause I really fell in love with it. I guess it's back to the old way. Well actually, I might just give up EQ all together. After using SEQ, and seeing what can be done, and knowing how many ARE able to use it, and I can't... kinda puts a bad taste in my mouth about the game all together. So I'll start it off guys... cause I know it's coming, and don't tell me stuff like "Hey moron, just read the posts" Well, that's what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks.... and I STILL don't get it. So here we go...

    Jesus Scorp... what a frigging idoit you are... can't pick up a book and learn how to code???

    Scorp you lously, no good, friggin toad, if you can't code a key sniffer yourself... then you shouldn't be using SEQ in the first place.

    That's it Scorp, since you can't code, can't read and don't understand what's going on... I don't want to see any of your posts any more !!! YOUR BANNED FROM POSTING YOU LOW LIFE, SCUMSUCKING, SUB-MORONIC LOOSER !!!

    There ya go guys... that ought to get you all started...

    Let the games begin... <sigh>


  2. #2
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    -- Lord Crush

    Greater Faydark has to be cleaned from all Elves !

    This is a HOTKEY !!!

  3. #3
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    Well, flame me if you want, tell me what kind of idoit I am
    "Hey moron, just read the posts" Well, that's what I've been doing for the past 2 weeks.... and I STILL don't get it. So here we go...
    I'm just astounded by this.

    Ratt has stated, in no uncertain terms, that Sony has broken ShowEQ and that the only way to make it work properly is by using OTHER software (commonly known as 'key sniffers') that are NOT supported by ShowEQ.

    This means that ShowEQ will not work for you as it did before unless you have at LEAST a basic familiarity with some sort of programming language ( C++ would be the best), and the the ability to deduce it's usage from the postings on this board.

    The ONLY way it will be easier than what you've read on the messageboards in the past week (which you claim not to understand) would be for someone to actually come to your home and set it up for you!

    TO EVERYONE OUT THERE: THERE IS NO WAY THAT WE CAN MAKE IT ANY EASIER FOR YOU AT THIS POINT THAN THE POSTINGS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE ON THE MESSAGEBOARDS. THERE ARE NO MAGIC WANDS HERE!! The information is there, it's clear and easy-to-understand considering the complexity of what we're doing. If it's out of your league, you're probably just shit out of luck until you learn more about programming in general.

    (NOTE: This is not directed exclusively to the initator of this thread but to anyone with similar questions.)
    Last edited by Amadeus; 11-16-2002 at 09:19 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User baelang's Avatar
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    Re: Well, I give up I think

    Originally posted by Scorpius
    But unless I can get someone to actually e-mail me a "key sniffer" I'll never be able to use SEQ again.
    It dosen't really get any easier than this:

    But if even those step-by-step instructions, with the "click here to download the source for a pretty good keysniffer" are too much for you, then see lord crush's post above for a link to the pre-compiled version.
    "seek and ye shall find." <-- god's way of saying use the damn search button. (or grep)

  5. #5
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    If it's out of your league, you're probably just shit out of luck until you learn more about programming in general.
    Kind of sad statement if you ask me. I do agree that putting SEQ in the hands of windows users is a bad idea. However. Linux is not your everyday cup of tea OS that Joe Blow is gonna setup and install. I learned Linux from these forms (yes a newbie HOWTO sheet), and then dug into it more and more playing with this and thats.

    Now the statement quoted above says that now I have to learn how to program to use SEQ, is Bullsheet! Yes I have picked up some books recently on C++ and have played with the code (with the help of a friend) to modify the source posted here, but F'U buddy if you are to make a statement that "EVERYONE MUST LEARN TO PROGRAMM or they are SOL". If thats the case, then SOE accomplished what they set out to do. Sorry if some of us are not as (in EQ terms) Uber as YOU!

    Thanks to people like Lord Crush and BeeLang on this thread for at least trying to help out.
    Last edited by hai_hai; 11-17-2002 at 05:33 AM.

  6. #6
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Dec 2001
    Originally posted by hai_hai

    Now the statement quoted above says that now I have to learn how to program to use SEQ, is Bullsheet! Yes I have picked up some books recently on C++ and have played with the code (with the help of a friend) to modify the source posted here, but F'U buddy if you are to make a statement that "EVERYONE MUST LEARN TO PROGRAMM or they are SOL". If thats the case, then SOE accomplished what they set out to do. Sorry if some of us are not as (in EQ terms) Uber as YOU!
    Actually if you had read a little about in the keysniffer section, you would have seen that several people have posted several keysniffers that do require you to compile them (but there were also a couple pre-compiled ones too that people offered). Most of the posts even walk you through on how to compile them.

    I havent done any C programming since I used to mod WWIV (an old BBS) way back in the dos days. I do have a student version of MS Visual C++ but never touched it before I tried to compile some of the keysniffers. I did have a couple problems with a couple of them, but read the threads and figured it out from the posts there (without having to fall back on my old C++ skills).

    As with SEQ, no one is going to hold your hand and lead you step by step. People will point you in the right direction (some people here will point you in the right direction and kick you in the ass to get you going), but it is up to you to figure stuff out by READING. If you still dont understand, then read more. If you still cant figure it out, then maybe you just werent ment to be able to do it.

    Im sorry but I think most people have gotten too lazy. Everyone wants everything handed to them now (not only here, but in real life). At work, Im not afraid to try to figure out something new. I might ask for some guidance from a co-worker if I fail, but dont want it handed to me.

    I work for an IT department. I do some help desk stuff. The people I dislike the most are the ones that call on a daily basis with the same problem over and over again. Even when they are told how to correct the problem, they dont listen or care. Even worse are the ones who expect me to do thier job. "I dont know how to do this in WordPerfect, do it for me" or "I dont have time to read the help section to get the program to do this. Fix it and get it back to me before 1pm. I have to show it at a staff meeting then."

    Anyway, before I get further off the topic, use your brain. It is there for a reason. Dont expect anything to be handed to you in life. If something is handed to you, master it, learn it inside and out. If you do this, you will get a lot further in life.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  7. #7
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    The mindset that wants to have somebody email them an executable is the same mindset that used to make it impossible to go to the bank in Kelethin without being innundated with a barrage of "dude got any spare plat?" messages.

    As to your threat to quit using SEQ or -gasp- leave the game entirely; well my heart is broken, but I may pull through.

  8. #8
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    If thats the case, then SOE accomplished what they set out to do. Sorry if some of us are not as (in EQ terms) Uber as YOU!
    It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this wasn't an effort to "thin" out the SEQ users by Sony.

    I have a difficult time feeling remorse when numerous people have posted walkthroughs and code and a plethora of other tools for making SEQ work. As Blue Adept said, if you read through EVERYTHING on these messageboards (no skimming, no skipping anything) and it still doesn't make sense and you read it again and it STILL doesn't make sense ..then, there's not much more we can do for you.

    That's the frustrating thing. People keep asking for help when so many have posted painfully detailed, step-by-step instructions! It's simply not possible to make it easier.

  9. #9
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    Ooooohhh... How many different viruses can we get e-mailed to this clown?

    Sure.... I want to run an executable that someone I don't know sent me!

  10. #10
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    I had no linux knowledge until I heard about SEQ. It took me a few days to learn everything I needed to know. And I did it. Not difficult. Easier and faster than a Windows install (these days).

    I have no training in any type of programming language yet I was able to look at the code of different sniffers, pick out bits and pieces, and put together something that works damned well.

    It is NOT difficult. Yes, there is a learning curve. But where is the down side of LEARNING?

    If you want a precompiled-working out of the box keysniffer, please leave your Station(tm) username and password, along with your email address, credit card number associated with your account, billing and physical address, and social security number.

    If you are unwilling to learn then this is the price you pay for admittance.

  11. #11
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    Thumbs up Easy

    The thread created by maggotboy with his sniffer complies quite easy once you read all the posts. I have zero programming skills and was able to get it build and debugged in about an hour.

  12. #12
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    Give them more time

    The change in encryption brought the developers into a unforseen situation.

    Technics to grab info from foreign memories had to been developed. Naturally all development processes are clumsy at first and quite often buggy. There have been 2 major concerns they had to keep in mind: Legal issues to keep this great platform here. And YOUR account.
    The current way encouraged (take some code, modify them slightly, then compile) was mainly to protect you. I am pretty sure that once people are comfortable with the developed solution there will be more binary for D/L.
    Posting a binary with md5 requires that person to tell others to trust her/him it is considerable safe to use. Right now only 1 decided he can do that. Source publications put that decision into the users responsibility. Asking you to compile it, wasn't meant to trouble you, but to make sure people who use it are skilled enough to judge about the content on their own.

    This is how I see it right now. I am capable of running a compiler on the posted sniffer, but until now I decided that none of them was secure enough for my account. I am following the upcoming developments to reevalute my decision. Credits to all who faced the challenge and to the team who had to make this decision. It was the right one in my eyes.

  13. #13
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    While I find programming code difficult, compiling code is extremely easy. This is especially true since there are free compilers and nice (seriously, no sarcasm) people on the boards here give clear and concise directions as to how to do it. If you can't find it, you are not reading through the VERY HELPFUL posts on these subjects. Use some patience, read through posts, don't be spoon-fed and you may learn somethings that are very worthwile.

    While I'm at it: thanks, thanks, thanks to all of you who willingly share this knowledge with us...

    I would also like to add that, while I have learned to compile code through the helpful posts on this board, I do not (at present) use any of the "keysniffer" programs posted here to obtain the "key". There have been discussions regarding alternatives and I have chosen to use one of these alternatives. This works for me because I don't mind manually entering the key into SEQ...

  14. #14
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    Hey, dont give up.... I myself found it very easy to compile some of these programs that were in here... (once i read some of descriptions) I also, myself find it hard to trudge through code to make sure that nothing is being afoul... but sometimes just looking at code without even reading it can give you headache

    But at either rate, dont give up... try try try try and try again... yes, I know I dont have many posts... thats cause I read everyone elses questions and it almost 99% answers mine...

    on a side note... blueadept... sounds fimiliar... OLD BBS days??? hmmm... remember the pyrotechnics pit? how about Greasey's Pit?? or even better yet.. Nova lounge???


  15. #15
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    Scorpius, you said that you had a friend come over install Linux showeq and get everything configured for you. My two cents in that you wipe the drive and start from square one yourself... This will get your feet wet a bit and teach you about Linux and Seq... When you get that far compiling a sniffer app for your windows box will be much less daunting than it appears right now. Trust me on this ..... I recently migrated from Redhat to Gentoo it seemed like an impossible task at times but now that it's done I can say wow I did it and appreciate the end result alot more than I would have otherwise.

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