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Thread: Self cast Spells not staying in SEQ Window

  1. #1
    Registered User Elyon's Avatar
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    Self cast Spells not staying in SEQ Window

    I don't know if anyone else has this happening , but on any of my Toons, any spell that I cast show up in the SEQ Spell window, but only WHILE it is being cast. When it is done being cast, it disappears from the SEQ Spell Window. Then , if I zone, it reappears in the spell window with the correct time left. This is with 4.3.13a and 4.14. Did not happen in 4.12

    In the Text Window I see this when casting: (id#) is actually a 3 digit number

    SPELL: You begin casting Mask of the Hunter. Current Target is Toonname(id#)
    selfStartSpellCast - id=1565 on spawnid=id#
    selfFinishSpellCast - id=1565, by=2
    Dropping buff - id=1565 from spawn=id#

    Same thing happens for all spells that are cast, but then, if I zone, they show back up. All Spells are successfully loaded at startup, ie: Loaded 4294 spells from '/path/spells_en.txt maxspell=0x1142

    UPDATE: If the spell is cast on anyone but myself, it stays in the SEQ Spell Window.

    Also, did the ability to delete a spell from the spell window by double clicking the middle mouse button get removed? This is no longer working.

  2. #2
    Registered User Zaphod's Avatar
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    Do you have a list of specific spells that aren't working. The several self-only spells that I have tried all worked as expected (including Greater Shielding, and JourneymansBoots).

    As far as the ability to delete spells from the spell list is concerned, all I can say is sorry, my bad. It will be re-added in my next CVS commit.

    Zaphod (dohpaZ)
    Chief Software Engineer of the Apocalypse. user: dohpaz.

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  3. #3
    Registered User Elyon's Avatar
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    It has been any spell that I have tried, be it from my Druid, Cleric or Chanter. If they are Self Only spells, or if it's a Group Spell and I cast it only on myself, it doesn't stay in the window. I'll check it out some more and see if I can narrow it down some more. Maybe it's just me, but I even did a Fresh Install/Compile and it did the same. Now, if it was a group spell and I cast it with a group member targeted, it stayed in the window.

    This didn't start until 4.13 tho. If I go back to 4.12, all is fine.

    BTW, I am running RH9 Complete Install.


    Here is something else that never happened before... As I was running thru FV, a Spider tried to root me, but I resisted it, however, The Spell SHOWS up on the SEQ Spell List.....

    Last edited by Elyon; 10-02-2003 at 07:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Registered User Elyon's Avatar
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    I just did a Fresh Compile and install, by renaming all the original folders etc.., Make -f Makefile.dist, ./configure, make, make Install. Copied the necessary Spell File to new directory and I still get the same results. Also, but this was before recompiling, I was getting a LOT of Unknowns in Veksar tonight.

    If I have a spell currently in the Spell List and recast that spell, it updates the Remain Time, but when casting is done, it disappears.

    This happens no matter what spell I cast, that I cast on myself while not grouped. Also, when I right Click an Item that cast Lunar Whispers on my Cleric, even if I have myself targeted, it shows tha target as N/A.

    RH9 with QT3.11

    All of this was fine in 3.12

    I'll keep prodding where I can.

    Thanks for all the Work you have done since coming back Zaphod, it is GREATLY Appreciated and if work (Self Employed) wasn't so slow, I'd send a donation your way.....

  5. #5
    Registered User Zaphod's Avatar
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    This is weird, because my self-only chanter buffs, and my friends self only cleric buffs are in fact sticking. I'm not sure what's going on.

    If you are willing to send a packet recording I'll take a look with the utmost discretion.


    Zaphod (dohpaZ)

    P.S. I know how self employment can be at times in bad economies.
    Chief Software Engineer of the Apocalypse. user: dohpaz.

    Personal thank you donations are now accepted.

  6. #6
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    I've noticed that sometimes the missing buff spells come back for a while. I think it has to do with what, or how many, detrimental spells have been cast in the mean time, as I've never seen them disappear or reappear other than when I'm fighting and casting detrimental spells. However, I can't quite lock in on what the pattern is. Could there be a table that contains the active spells that's gotten too small?


  7. #7
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    I noticed that when Blessing of Reverence is cast upon myself, the Spell List will show the spell being cast and the timer set on it. And as soon as BoR is done casting, it disappears from my Spell List. This happens with any single or group spell with myself as the target. It does not have to be a self buff, either.

    It only reappears when I zone and the buffs are recalced.

    Note: This was fine in 4.3.12 and I didn't really notice it in 4.3.13a but it is a definite in 4.3.14. It also occurred whether I had --itemdb-disable on or off. (I am currently disabling this for faster loading of zones.)
    Last edited by shadowcat; 10-03-2003 at 12:08 PM.

  8. #8
    Registered User Elyon's Avatar
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    Phew.... Thanks Shadowcat. I was beginning to think I was alone on this issue. Maybe we can help Zaphod track it down.

    I run RedHat Version 9, Complete Install with QT 3.11 on a P4 with 512Meg Ram. What are you running?

    I am asking to see if it is specific to a particular flavor of Linux or QT.

  9. #9
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    Originally posted by Zaphod

    As far as the ability to delete spells from the spell list is concerned, all I can say is sorry, my bad. It will be re-added in my next CVS commit.

    Could you make this a right click option or a double click for those of us with only 1 buttons :-)

    As for the spell timer. Before the latest update .4, I never saw other people’s spells cast on me (KEI etc) but now I do and the timers look fine. I have had no problem with then not showing up.
    I have noticed a spell called thistlecoat is listed in EQ as 3:16 mins and displays in SEQ as 3:16 but it is closer to 30 mins. Looks like EQ has some incorrect data in their spell file.
    I believe in gun control. I use both hands

  10. #10
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    I had that problem..

    Same thing was happening to me. Cast the spell, during cast time, the target and timer (0:00) appeared in the spell list. Then dissappeared after it was cast, never a spell name. After zoning, the timer and target shows up, no name or nothing, so I was wondering what was going on.

    Anyways, I fixed my problem. Just copied the newest spells_en.txt into the /usr/local/share/showeq .. and all of a sudden, no problem....

    Maybe this will help??

  11. #11
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    Another chime in from a seq noob. Was just running arround and playing with the program. Thought it odd that I couldn't see the spells in the window until I zoned (honestly wondered what use it was). Glad to see that it's not supposed to be working that way and I'm not crazy.

    Anyway, this is a fresh install of 4.3.14 on a Debian Testing system.

  12. #12
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    Ok, I actually did have the problem, and have found where it lies...

    Extended enhancement. W/o my shawl on, the buff is normal duration, and stays in the window. If I equip my shawl, any spell that I cast on myself 1) initially says the default duration 2) dissappears once it's hit me. I would imagine a second packet is sent with the duration, which is being discarded for some reason?

    Sorry.. I'm still a newb to the packet sniff stuff... but would imagine that this happens with any form of extended enhancement. I hope this is a point in the correct direction.

  13. #13
    Registered User Elyon's Avatar
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    My Druid does NOT have any Extended Enhancement Items. When he cast the spell, The spell window shows the correct cast time and remaining time, but disappeaars as soon as the casting is completed.

  14. #14
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    Re: Ahh!

    Originally posted by cothaeto
    Ok, I actually did have the problem, and have found where it lies...

    Extended enhancement. W/o my shawl on, the buff is normal duration, and stays in the window. If I equip my shawl, any spell that I cast on myself 1) initially says the default duration 2) dissappears once it's hit me. I would imagine a second packet is sent with the duration, which is being discarded for some reason?
    Ahh... good call cothaeu. I can confirm this effect. With my amulet of insight on I cast the spell and it disapears as soon as the buff finally lands. Removing my amulet the spell remains after it lands. And of course all spells apear after I have zoned.

    Elyon, are you positive? There are many other effects that provide EE that are not named such. You might want to try removing any equipment w/ any focus effect...

  15. #15
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    It could also have to do with the SCR AA ability.. I haven't purchased any level of it yet, but if you have, then that could also be a possible contender in this matter... ie, no way to resolve it until it's patched and taken care of.

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