Announcing the release of ShowEQ version 5.9. This release is compatible with Live servers as of 3/14 when the Luclin Fableds went in. This fixes a lot of compatibility issues. See the Changelog for details. This was done hastly. When you find places I screwed up, please bring it up.
Fetch the new release from the files section of sourceforge. Alternately, ShowEQ source is available in the Sourceforge subversion repository. The URL to access this release is (3/18/07)
+ Udpated version to 5.9
+ Compatiblity with live 3/14
+ Redid spawnStruct, positioning struts, all opcodes
If you have problems with ./configure, try:
If you usually use a package for your distribution and your packager is MIA or you use a version of Debian that Tanner decided to not build for anymore, only announcing it deep inside some helpdesk thread, you may want to learn how to use the tarball.$ LIBC=gnu ./configure