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Thread: Pi5 display issue

  1. #1
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Dec 2001

    Pi5 display issue

    Trying to get the pi 5 to work with showeq. Pi no longer has a qt5-default any more. It was suggested to install these packages instead. qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools and qt5-assistant. Showeq compiles, but when it is run I get the following:

    qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display
    qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
    This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.

    Any ideas?
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Sounds like X isn't running. I think the latest versions of the OS run Wayland by default, so you if you haven't told it to use X, that might indeed be the case.

    You might try
    showeq -platform wayland
    and see if that works.

    Also - I haven't done any testing of SEQ under wayland yet. So feel free to try it, but know that you'll be a guinea pig.

  3. #3
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Didn't even think that it may be using wayland. You are probably right. Ill try it tonight.

    Confirmed that later OS versions of pi 4 and all Pi 5 now run wayland by default.
    Last edited by BlueAdept; 12-02-2024 at 03:06 PM.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  4. #4
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Different error using wayland option

    error: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is invalid or not set in the environment.
    Failed to create wl_display (No such file or directory)
    qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "wayland" in "" even though it was found.
    This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

    Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, xcb.

    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  5. #5
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Pi5 display issue

    I have another display installed which needed drivers. I am concerned that it may have been causing the issue. I am going to build it on a virgin OS with only HDMI and see if that was affecting it. I should have it done tonight or tomorrow.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  6. #6
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Tried a virgin install. Converted to X and same issue. Has to be something with the QT5 package being missing from the PI.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Try running it with the env var
    . It will spew a lot, but there should (hopefully) be an error in there somewhere.

  8. #8
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Yeah I saw that on another board. Also some "fixes" that may help. Ill get it eventually.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    Dec 2019

    Re: Pi5 display issue

    i'll try it on my pi5 as well.

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    Dec 2019

    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Here is what I installed with a brand new raspberry pi 5 os install after upgrading and full-upgrade and installing kernel headers and rebooting:

    sudo apt install -y build-essential cmake git pkg-config
    sudo apt install -y qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools
    sudo apt install -y libx11-dev libxcb1 libxcb-keysyms1-dev libxcb-image0-dev libxcb-shm0-dev libxcb-icccm4-dev libxcb-sync-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-randr0-dev libxcb-render-util0-dev libxcb-glx0-dev
    sudo apt install -y libpcap-dev
    sudo apt install -y zlib1g-dev libtool autoconf automake
    sudo apt install -y subversion
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y libpng-dev

    ran and make and configure showeq:
    svn checkout showeq-6.4.4
    cd showeq-6.4.4
    make -f Makefile.dist build
    ./configure && make && sudo make install

    Ran sudo showeq but got the same error you got. I then exited showeq and ran:
    export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u)
    export DISPLAY=:0
    xhost +SI:localuser:$(whoami)
    sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip $(which showeq)
    sudo apt install --reinstall qtbase5-dev libxcb-xinerama0
    find /usr/lib/ -name

    xhost +SI:localuser:root

    then run showeq with this command:
    sudo DISPLAY=$DISPLAY XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/$(id -u) showeq

    showeq -platform xcb (locally)

    or I ran this command from ssh:

    display=:0 showeq -platform xcb

    which displays showeq on the local display. However i can't get showeq to detect the packets of any of my eq client machines (i tried 2). I just see this:
    ken@raspberrypi5:~/showeq-6.4.4 $ display=:0 showeq -platform xcb
    ShowEQ 6.4.4, released under the GPL.
    SINS 0.5, released under the GPL.
    All ShowEQ source code is Copyright (C) 2000-2019 by the respective ShowEQ Developers
    ShowEQ comes with NO WARRANTY.

    You may redistribute copies of ShowEQ under the terms of
    The GNU General Public License.
    See: for more details...

    For updates and information, please visit
    ShowEQ 6.4.4, Built from 'main.cpp' on Dec 5 2024 at 01:06:06
    CVS: @(#) $Id: main.cpp 1279 2022-10-20 00:33:52Z cn187 $ $Name$
    Using GCC version: 12.2.0
    Using glibc version: 2.36
    Using Qt version: 5.15.8
    Running on Linux release 6.6.62+rpt-rpi-2712 for processor aarch64

    Using config file '/home/ken/.showeq/showeq.xml'
    Loaded preferences file: /usr/local/share/showeq/seqdef.xml!
    Unable to open file: /home/ken/.showeq/showeq.xml!
    Info: Listening for next client seen. (you must zone for this to work!)
    Info: Initializing Packet Capture Thread:
    Info: Filtering packets on device eth0
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and ether proto 0x800 and not broadcast and not multicast
    Warning: Spells: Failed to open: '/usr/local/share/showeq/spells_us.txt'
    Warning: GuildMgr: Could not load guildsfile, /home/ken/.showeq/tmp/guilds3.dat
    Info: Loading Filters from ''
    Info: Loading Zone Filter File:
    Info: Loading Zone Filter File:
    Info: Categories Reloaded
    Info: No Map found for zone 'unknown'!
    Info: Checked for all variants of '', 'unknown.txt', and 'unknown_1.txt'
    Info: in directories '/home/ken/.showeq/maps' and '/usr/local/share/showeq/maps'!
    Warning: Could not restore dock/window geometry. Rearrange windows as desired and then re-save preferences
    Warning: Could not restore dock/window state. Rearrange windows as desired and then re-save prefrences
    Warning: EQStr: Failed to open '/usr/local/share/showeq/eqstr_us.txt'
    Info: Listening for IP client:
    Info: Filtering packets on device eth0
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and host and ether proto 0x800 and not broadcast and not multicast
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and host and ether proto 0x800 and not broadcast and not multicast
    Info: Listening for client:
    Info: Initializing Packet Capture Thread:
    Info: Filtering packets on device eth0
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and host and ether proto 0x800 and not broadcast and not multicast
    Info: Listening for IP client:
    Info: Filtering packets on device eth0
    Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and host and ether proto 0x800 and not broadcast and not multicast

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2019

    Re: Pi5 display issue

    As an aside: your setcap isn't necessary if you're just going to run as root anyway. If you do the setcap, you should be able to run showeq as your user without sudo.

    Regarding the capture issues: There's nothing in the output that's particularly unusual. You've probably checked all this already, but make sure you have the correct interface and client IP. Beyond that, I'd use tcpdump to verify that the traffic is actually getting to the pi.

  12. #12
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Dec 2019

    Re: Pi5 display issue

    Yea thanks cn, I normally just run it was root, but in this case, I think the issue here is that root didn't have access to the X server. I started taking really good notes on what i ran, but then i jumped around a few times and didn't update my text document until later so i was trying to recreate what I did. When I ran showeq with sudo, i was getting that same error which is why I ran the xhost command with root. Yea my interface and client ip (both of them) are correct, I have a feeling it could be the switch that the pi is plugged into, I think when I bought my other switch (the one that my clients are plugged into) I had to buy a certain managed switch to run something to make it act more like a hub. I couldn't remember if this is still necessary, but thinking I turned it on on all of the ports of one switch but not on the current switch. i'm going to plug the pi into the other switch to test it. I ran a bunch of tcpdumps looking for udp packets and I don't think it saw any from the clients. That has to be the case, so theoretically it should work now once I fix this issue.

  13. #13
    Did you SEQ today? BlueAdept's Avatar
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    Re: Pi5 display issue

    I was able to get it running.

    I tried so many things that I have to figure out what fixed my issue. Im going to restart fresh to see what enabled me to work.

    If I log in as root and run it, it works. If I log in as a user and sudo to run it, it runs. If I log in as a user and su to root, it runs but there is no window.

    There are still a lot of things that I need to test. I was just trying to get it to run and stopped at that.
    Filters for ShowEQ can now be found here. filters-5xx-06-20-05.tar.gz

    ShowEQ file section is here.

    Famous Quotes:

    Ratt: WTF you talkin' about BA? (Ok.. that sounds like a bad combo of Diffrent Strokes and A-Team)

    Razzle: I showeq my wife

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