Hi all,
I'm humbling myself and just asking for help. I've been away a long time and decided to play EQ over the holidays.
So for the past week I have been pulling my hair out with ShowEQ. I've got three systems all with the same end result, so I am sure I am doing something wrong and it is probably obvious.
The end result is ShowEQ running and appearing not to see the computer I am playing on. This is either by IP, MAC or next EQ client seen.
System 1 - Libre Sweet Potato AML-S905X-CC-V2, 2023-05-03-raspbian-buster-armhf+aml-s905x-cc.img.xz (shitshow but I got it launched)
System 2 - i3 desktop, Debian 12 (nonfree-netinst), Realtek NIC, Intel Wifi QT5, XFCE
System 3 - Asus Core M laptop, Debian 10, QT 4, Realtek based USB NIC, XFCE - this is current
I nuked Systems 1&2 and I'm sticking with testing on System3 since it is what seems like the good clean baseline config Debian 10 and QT4.
-All the compiler and lib prereqs were ok
-Make without errors on the current version 6.4.4
-Copied spells_us.txt and eqstr_us.txt and map files
-Launches with below output and the GUI comes up normally
-Never sees the EQ client machine.
I started messing with port mirroring on my switch but I think it's got to be something simple I am missing.ShowEQ 6.4.4, Built from 'main.cpp' on Dec 4 2024 at 16:26:51
CVS: @(#) $Id$ $Name$
Using GCC version: 8.3.0
Using glibc version: 2.28
Using Qt version: 4.8.7
Running on Linux release 4.19.0-27-amd64 for processor x86_64
Using config file '/root/.showeq/showeq.xml'
Loaded preferences file: /usr/local/share/showeq/seqdef.xml!
Loaded preferences file: /root/.showeq/showeq.xml!
Info: Listening for client:
Info: Initializing Packet Capture Thread:
Info: Filtering packets on device enxa0cec8044efd
Debug: PCAP Filter Set: udp[0:2] > 1024 and udp[2:2] > 1024 and host and ether proto 0x800 and not broadcast and not multicast
Info: Loaded 67162 spells from '/usr/local/share/showeq/spells_us.txt' maxSpell=0xffff
Warning: GuildMgr: Could not load guildsfile, /root/.showeq/tmp/guilds3.dat
Info: Loading Filters from ''
Info: Loading Zone Filter File:
Info: Loading Zone Filter File:
Info: Categories Reloaded
Info: No Map found for zone 'unknown'!
Info: Checked for all variants of 'unknown.map', 'unknown.txt', and 'unknown_1.txt'
Info: in directories '/root/.showeq/maps' and '/usr/local/share/showeq/maps'!
Info: Loaded 6886 message strings from '/usr/local/share/showeq/eqstr_us.txt' maxFormat=35153
I started playing EQ back in 1999, compiled and used ShowEQ in like 2001 on a RedHat 7.3(?) system. Over the years I've done this dozens of times on lots of systems. I've run Linux Emu servers over the years. I should be able to do this and I really hate asking for help but here I am
Thanks in advance.