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Thread: CVS Commit, May 8, 2002

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    CVS Commit, May 8, 2002

    fee (ocho de mayo)
    + version 4.1.0
    + Packet Structure Changes
    - spawnStruct
    - charProfileStruct
    - playerAAStruct
    - makeDropStruct
    - changeZoneStruct
    - *ZoneEntryStruct
    - newZoneStruct

    + various updates to convert zoneId to shortName
    + if you use libEQ, today might be a good day to get a fresh copy

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Where is the "official" place to get the latest libEQ? BA has one but It's a few days old, or is this the latest? I never can remember the "official" place for it

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    It's listed in the README.libEQ file under CVS.

  4. #4
    Registered User Mr. Suspicious's Avatar
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    May 2002

    How about checksum

    Call me Mr. Suspicious, but would you have a MD5 Checksum to go with this new Libeq.a?
    Before asking anything read the pre-face section of

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    "Stay alert! Trust noone! Keep your Lazers Handy! Have a nice day." -- Provided courtesy of the Computer. The Computer never lies.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    As you read this thread, click "Back" and look for the thread called "new libEQ.a md5sum"

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    That begs my question. Is that libEQ.a the one fee is refering to (it's 3days old and pre-patch) or is there a newer one? In addition, what't the location to get it officially.

  7. #7
    Registered User Mr. Suspicious's Avatar
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    Aye, Guice.

    the checksum mentioned in the post by Casey didn't checkout with the newest Libeq.a when I tried it tho.
    Before asking anything read the pre-face section of

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    "Stay alert! Trust noone! Keep your Lazers Handy! Have a nice day." -- Provided courtesy of the Computer. The Computer never lies.

  8. #8
    Registered User Mr. Suspicious's Avatar
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    Go into your seq directory (the one with the sourcefiles) and then do

    > pico README.libEQ
    * case sensitive *

    Read it =) It's right there.
    Before asking anything read the pre-face section of

    after you've read it, you know what to do next...

    "Stay alert! Trust noone! Keep your Lazers Handy! Have a nice day." -- Provided courtesy of the Computer. The Computer never lies.

  9. #9
    Registered User
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    oh .. well .. sorry mate. I just figured the new LibEQ.a file was to compensate for the changes on test server.

    Course, I hadn't been home yet to check this out.

    Sorry, getting back from the monk forums tends to make one a bit onry. /sigh

  10. #10
    Registered User
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    MrS. Thank you.

    Can we get a sticky that says "To find latest libEQ, read the readme in the source dir?"

    heh, thanks.

  11. #11
    Registered User Mr. Suspicious's Avatar
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    Quite funny,

    it holds:


    and a few other files. I'm not Linux savvy myself, but worked with DOS a long time ago. Windows users don't know that there's something as "pico" (little gem there) and if they are even able to navigate to their install directory in a terminal window then they wouldn't be able to recognise what files are text files and which are not (windows does use fileextentions, Linux does not)

    Other then a tad outdated here and there on the install document, those files are quite usefull, if people would/could read them =)
    Before asking anything read the pre-face section of

    after you've read it, you know what to do next...

    "Stay alert! Trust noone! Keep your Lazers Handy! Have a nice day." -- Provided courtesy of the Computer. The Computer never lies.

  12. #12
    Registered User
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    ok, now I'm bitching about not including the pvp deity fix to map.cpp anyone can attack you on sullon zek, above lvl 5 that is, not just pc's within 5 levels of you, like the current code is coded.

  13. #13
    Registered User
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    Its amazing the number of self righteuos morons who cant just answer a question! If someone asks for the directions to the local baseball statium do you tell them to go back home and look at a map? Just answer the damn question and stop being a fuck head.

  14. #14
    Developer Ratt's Avatar
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    It's amazing the number of self righteous assholes who can't look up on the street sign that says "This way to the baseball stadium" and have to ask the guy standing under the sign how to get to the stadium.

    Just freaking amazing.

    Just look at the sign and stop being a fuck head.

  15. #15
    Registered User
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    /WTG Ratt

    /GOFUCK landaile

    Gee the file is named README, I wonder what it is...

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